
Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
Hi all, haven't started chemo yet but am I able to get eyebrows tattooed while I'm going through treatment?
im worried about looking sick as I feel it will add to my anxiety.
or is it possible to get it done prior? Any advice on this would be amazing.
ps. This forum is amazing and u don't know what I'd do without it.


  • Mrs_H
    Mrs_H Member Posts: 107
    I don't believe you can get this done during Chemo due to infection risk.

    I managed to pick up some brow stencils which I love. They are models prefer through Priceline. I just use some brow pencil and colour it in. The pack has 6 different stencils for different brow shapes. For someone who can't draw my brows for nothing, they work amazingly. Everyone at the Chemo ward including the nurses are amazed at how good they look.

    Cheers, Jen xx
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thanks Jen, it probably sounds like a good option!! X
  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    I pencilled mine too. I kept a few whispy hairs almost right through to help get the right shape. After I finished chemo the last few fell out then they started coming back within 2 weeks.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I pencilled mine, it helps that I wear glasses but they looked fine for the relatively short time between losing them all finally and regrowth.
  • LMK74
    LMK74 Member Posts: 795
    I tried the stencils but failed miserably at doing it so just gave up. I'm 8 weeks post chemo and still have no eyebrows but hair elsewhere has grown. Maybe mine aren't going to come back. Oh well just something else to put  up with lol. Tatooing is expensive I believe.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,804
    Hi!  Have you been to the Look Good Feel Better workshop - they will give you the tools and ideas to make yourself look and feel better than perhaps you feel internally - just put in your postcode to find one near you, it is free!

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Tattoos are for life, chemo is only for a couple of months. A bit like getting the name of the new love of your life seared into your skin before you really know them. Ummm. Not.

    I found a bit of brown eyeshadow smeared across what was left of my eyebrows was enough to cut that horrible bland look without it looking really artificial. Something I couldn't achieve with a pencil. I didn't bother most of the time. You may, or may not want to take a permanent approach later. Don't sweat the small stuff. Marg xxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    Have to concur with the others, I penciled mine on, I never really had eyebrows to begin with LOL being fair. I have to draw them on now anyway haha! as I really don't have them. I'd imagine too, there would be risks getting any tattooing done through chemo. x Melinda
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thanks so much everyone. X
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    My oncologist gave me the approval as long as not done in  neutropenic time period day 8 to 12 and once I was on the white cell booster injection from round 2. I wanted them done before they all fell out completely. I really was hopeless at drawing them on and I just wanted to be able to get up, chuck a hat on and go out if I wanted. Plus I swam through chemo and didn't want them dissapearing off my face into the water.  I had no issues. Guidelines for cosmetic tattoo hygiene are extremely strict. I had a very experienced operator.  My eyebrows have only partially returned but at least I don't need to worry about that. I had a light block colour and the shape was very much as my normal brow.

  • Cynth6
    Cynth6 Member Posts: 189
    I just used eyebrow pencil. I didn't lose every single strand of hair on my eyebrows so I was able to pencil over them and get some similar shape to what they were. 

    id say you wouldn't be able to tattoo them due to infection and what not. 
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thanks so much everyone. X
  • Spiv1803
    Spiv1803 Member Posts: 126
    Thinking I might get them done beforehand?
    yours look nice and natural @primek.
    very nice, and thanks for the advice
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Just to add cosmetic tattooing is nothing like a normal tattoo and is superficial , which is why it needs touch ups. Which you want really as eyebrow fashion really alters over the years. 
  • fionaf
    fionaf Member Posts: 74
    Hi my son's girlfriend has a business doing semi permanent cosmetic eyebrow tattoos and has done them for women after treatment whose eyebrows did not come back in full. I was lucky and mine grew back very well so have not had to use her professional service and talent. She is based on Sydney's northern beaches and would be happy to pass on details if needed.