33, mother of 3 and newly diagnosed.

jane84 Member Posts: 63
Hi, I'm a month fresh into diagnosis.  Reaching out to other young mums in the same situation.  I look forward to meeting some of you! Jane


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Hi Jane,

    There are quite a few young Mums on the site, more is the pity. BC is hard enough for us old chooks, its a distraction and inconvenience that you certainly don't need when you are trying to raise a family. Welcome, I'm sure you will find heaps of common ground with many of the women here. Marg xxx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,801
    @jane84 sorry you've had to join us but we're a very supportive bunch!
    The link below - click on and then hit the join button so you can speak in private to those that are considered younger than me and Zoffiel


  • JoeyLiz
    JoeyLiz Member Posts: 339
    Hi Jane, 
    I'm 31, have a 2 year old and am also a month in. I start chemo next Mon
    Hopefully we can support each other in our journey.
  • Shorelle
    Shorelle Member Posts: 80
    44 mum of 3 girls 5,6 & 8. Finished Chemo in Aug and having mastectomy on 27th Oct. Im in Perth. 
  • jane84
    jane84 Member Posts: 63
    @joeyliz I also start chemotherapy soon, I have my first appointment with the oncologist Mon.  Were you as shocked as I was? I have no family history I'm aware of so was certainly not expecting this....found the lump by chance. Have you been told what stage you are? Will you be having surgery down the track also?

  • jane84
    jane84 Member Posts: 63

    Shorelle said:

    44 mum of 3 girls 5,6 & 8. Finished Chemo in Aug and having mastectomy on 27th Oct. Im in Perth.

    Shorelle how do you manage with the three children? Mine are 10, 8 and 4!

  • JoeyLiz
    JoeyLiz Member Posts: 339
    Yes I bit shocked! Found lump after a few days of bruise like pain. Only family history is paternal grandmother at 55.
    im T2b, N1 grade 3 Her+ I'll be having some sort of surgery after chemo (depends on response) and probably radiation also.
    im in Hobart, where are you located?

  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    Hi Jane, I'm 39 with 2 kids 2yo and 5yo (were 1 & 4 at diagnosis in January). I've had mastectomy chemo & radiotherapy. Mostly I coped just fine with only a couple of days during chemo that I couldn't get up and take care of them. They're pretty good little morivators!
  • Tennille
    Tennille Member Posts: 174
    41 mum of 11 ranging in ages from 20 to 2. Diagnosed 2011 at 35 and pregnant. Diagnosed 2017 mets to liver and bones. Live in WA
  • JessicaN
    JessicaN Member Posts: 4
    Hi my name is Jessica and i am 35 with a 4 year old and have just been diagnosed with breast cancer too and am looking at starting chemo next week and i live in brisbane. 
  • jane84
    jane84 Member Posts: 63
    Jessica I am also in Brisbane :) 
  • JessicaN
    JessicaN Member Posts: 4
    Hi Jane 
    If you would ever like to catch up let me know :)
  • RachelG
    RachelG Member Posts: 50
    Hi Jane, my name is Rachel and I am 39.  I start my chemo next week too. I live in Brisbane and have a four year old son. I have stage three triple negative.  I found a lump too and no family history. Yes was shocked and it is all becoming a bit real as each step progresses. 
  • jane84
    jane84 Member Posts: 63
    @RachelG it's so sad to hear so many of us have similar stories!! Its still so surreal for me! I have made the sad decision this week to step down from my Ft job, I am in retail and manage two flagship stores, my career was heading in the right direction but it's certainly not the environment I feel I should be in going through chemotherapy.  I need to focus on my health now.....

    Do you work?  
  • RachelG
    RachelG Member Posts: 50
    @jane84 yes you are right, there seems to be so many younger women being diagnosed. I am sorry to hear about you giving up work and as you said health is the focus now.  I am in a similar dilemma, I teach beauty therapy on the GC and love my job but not sure how I will be during my treatment. I am still going to try and work two days around the chemo but have given up my Fridays so my last one today. I feel like I am just going through the motions at the moment. Where are you having your treatment?