Research Trials
I am new to the community - Hi. I have a question for people who are undergoing dose dense AC and Taxol for triple Negative breast cancer, in relation to how much exercise or movement they are doing. Background: I was diagnosed in May and have a treatment plan that is slightly altered - I have chemo, then surgery and then…
Invasive micropapillary carcinoma
Hi My pathology came back with Invasive micropapillary carcinoma But I had no node involvement which I’m told is rare for this type. I had a DMX about 8 weeks ago. My question is has anyone else had this type but with no node involvement? What happened after surgery and did you have any recurrences. Thank you in advance.
I was diagnosed in december 2017 with hormone receptive breast cancer and had travelled to my nodes. I completed genetic testing which came back as brca2. I completed 4 rounds of FEC and 4 rounds of Doxetaxel chemo finished on ththe 20th of june 2018. I under went masectomy with expanders and surgery went super well that…
Panic attacks
I've just been diagnosed and have an appointment with the surgeon on Friday. It is my daughters birthday on Sunday so none of my family apart from my partner and one or two close friends know. Surgery will be next week. My daughter is coming over so I can do her hair - trying to keep it together and have hidden any…
Signet Ring Cell Carcinoma of the Breast
Does anyone know anything about, or been diagnosed with, Signet Cell Ring Carcinoma of the Breast? I was diagnosed a month ago with 2 primaries (mulifocal) and one is an 5mm IDC but the other is a 25mm SRRC in the same quadrant. I’ve only been able to find a handful of journal articles at it, which all say it is really…
Just been diagnosed
how do we decide what to do.Is going public really going to be longer than going private.Read some info that out of pocket could be up to $12000 ,worried that I won’t be able to afford that amount.
Panic Mode
Hi Everyone, I am 48 years old and have been diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Carcinoma. I am scheduled to have a bilateral mastectomy this Tuesday 24/7/18. Any further treatment to be determined after surgery. I am at the beginning of my breast cancer journey, and somewhat aware of the difficulties ahead for me. My mother…
Nervous about next step
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed on 13th April with grade 3 invasive breast cancer, had a Mastectomy and lymph node removal/biopsy on the 9th May, on the 25th May I was told that they seem to of got the cancer in the breast with the mastectomy, but it has spread to the lymph nodes so have to have another op on the 6th June to…
I feel so detached I want to cancel my surgery because I don't feel I need it!
I don't know where to start! I'm 45 and after ankle surgery (broken) and a massive pulmonary embolism, that according to the doctors I shouldn't have survived, I've been dealing with major depression for the last 4 years. I feel sad because I've learnt that when it comes down to it no one really cares about me other than…
Out of control and in shock
Where do I start? I recently changed GPs and was working on a general health check you know the one do these tests everything will be fine no drama - always has been. Trot off for a mammogram and then followed the chaos. Mammogram revealed 3 lumps still at yeah so what knew about those been there for 6 years one is a bit…
awaiting exciscion of phlodes tumour
Hi Everyone again, still waiting for the removal and testing of my phylodes tumour on the 8th of August. I am feeling ok about it and am not overly worried most of the time , sometimes the fear creeps in. I did see on here a previous phylodes group? may someone tell me if this still exists please? I also am interested in…
Therapy after Mastectomy
Hi I would just like to say first up, this is such a great group so supportive. I was diagnosed with Invasive DCIS Grade 1 in Situ. ER + PR +. HER - . In June of this year, I decided to have a Bilateral mastectomy with reconstructive surgery on the 21st June as my other breast was a little lumpy with no cancer but my…
This tuff cookie is crumbling
Hi I am 46 and diagnosed 2 weeks ago with invasive ductal carsonoma and DCIS on a routine mammogram. Met my surgeon on Friday and having surgery this Wednesday. He offered me a mastectomy but said I can expect just as good a result with wide local incision and radiation. I am normally the tuff cookie and I support others.…
Waiting for Surgery
Hi I been diagnosed with a 3.5cm invasive ductal carcinoma grade 3 a month and a half ago.I had a biopsy, as well as a ct scan which confirmed it hadn't spread beyond the breast.I was sent to our local hospital for a pre-operation clinic and have been informed that I needto go to a major NSW hospital, as I will need…
Research opportunity: Survey about the well-being of people affected by breast cancer
Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a research project you may be interested in participating in. Researchers at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI) are conducting a project aimed at finding the best ways to collect information about people’s health and well-being after receiving a…