Quality of Life or Quantity they asked me?
Hi all, I was quite set back by a hospital staff member calling me this morning to ask me some important questions regarding my three appointments at hospital tomorrow. First one 11am Radiation Dept. Next 2.45pm Post Op. my surgeon then again 4pm back at Radiation DeptI was first diagnosed in 2014, then again February 2018…
Chemo first vs surgery query
morning all, i hope you are all good
Further diagnosis details following surgeon meeting - gd 2-3 DCIS/IDC
So met the surgeon today and have a bit more of a clearer diagnosis.. Not given me a stage as I have to have CT scan and bone scan Wednesday and blood tests to check it’s not spread past lymph nodes ( another anxious wait where every ache I’m convinced the worst) But it’s a 3.5cm lump on ultrasound but surgeon says around…
Phyllodes Tumour
Hi, Im working my way through this breast issue of mine and would absolutely love some advice in regards to phyllodes tumours and also what questions I should ask the surgeon when I see them. The GP told me that when I have the mass removed then they can tell me for sure if there is malignancy there. Is that right? Love…
Had my Biopsy today. I was sad that it wasnt a fluid filled cyst, it didnt deflate with the needle , was really hoping it was. They took 5 samples. The local and procedure didnt hurt at all, I was surprised and relieved as I have had so many biopsies of my gynae bits and they are horrendous. Its starting to really hurt now…
Rapid mass growth no diagnosis yet
Hi All, I am totally new to this group and would really appreciate your experience. I am 40 this year, small 5mm breast lump identified in left breast last year. Rechecked this week and its grown to 17mm in just over 6 months. Its so deep i cant feel it. I intially went for issues with my right breast. I Had an ultrasound…
Hi, my daughter has been tested Positive for Braca 2. She is 36 years and considering having a double mastectomy and hysterectomy. I am looking for feedback regards to recommendations of Breast Surgeons / Breast Reconstruction options as well as Gynaecologist. Feeling Overwhelmed :(
No Idea what to do
Hi, I'm only newly diagnosed and not sure which way to go. I have a second meeting with my breast surgeon today and I'll see the oncologist for the first time tomorrow. I have a 6cm Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, whatever that means. Since finding out basically all I've had is more tests to see if things have spread anywhere…
Being diagnosed with breast cancer - mastectomy and reconstruction???
I am only 46 years old. I am skinny and helthy. I eat lots of vegi and fruit and a bit of chicken. I do not eat meat. I felt the pain in my left breast in March. I got a shock as the lump is so BIG. my GP said just cyst. I do not have family history. I went to have ultrasound and mammogram, followed by biopsy next morning.…
Double mastectomy with immediate TRAM flap reconstruction
Is there anyone out there who has had this procedure? I'm in Brisbane and shall be in the public health system.
And so the fight begins...
Hi all just to update my lymph node biopsy and breast lump biopsy came back positive on Thursday So that’s it...my fight begins. No staging or anything yet but have my appointment with breast cancer clinic tomorrow... the lump i have is 3cm and lymph node positive...any advice welcome thank you and big love to all
10 days to go til surgery
Hi there everyone. Can anyone give me any tips on what I need to do/buy/stock up on before my surgery? I know I have 10 days to go but will have a pretty hectic schedule until then so tomorrow is really the only chance I have to shop. It's 5 years since my 88 year old mother had her lumpectomy for breast cancer and I've…
are you classed as having Breast cancer
Hi everyone, my name is Sue and 6 weeks ago now I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Cancer... Everything happened so quickly diagnosis, tests, more tests, then surgery. I had a lumpectomy and my tumour was 11.6 mm, The Dr took the sentinal node, and found no cancer cells in it, and say he got it all and is happy and to…
Anyone have advice for me on options for surgery? Newly arrived in Australia
Hi, In January I moved to Australia from the UK. I received a mammogram checkup letter in the UK so went along to the Queensland Breast Screening service. Yesterday I was told that a calcification in my breast is problematic and I will be receiving advice on Monday which will most likely recommend surgery. I am unsure…
Gold Coast Surgeons
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed last year with BC and had a lumpectomy. I didn't do radiation as I want to be genetically tested first. As it turns out I test positive to the Chek2 gene and have made the decision to have a double mastectomy with immediate reconstruction. My mum passed away 6 years ago from BC. I saw my BS and…