Invasive micropapillary carcinoma

Jenny004s Member Posts: 11
edited August 2018 in Newly diagnosed

My pathology came back with 

Invasive micropapillary carcinoma 

But I had no node involvement which I’m told is rare for this type. I had a DMX about 8 weeks ago. My question is has anyone else had this type but with no node involvement? What happened after surgery and did you have any recurrences. Thank you in advance.


  • Glemmis
    Glemmis Member Posts: 344
    Hi @Jenny004s, I had a mucinous carcinoma with micropapillary architecture with node involvement but is not exactly the same as pure micropapillary. Try not to use Dr Google, it is old research & not very encouraging. Have a look at breast, there are quite a few posts there with a link with favourable research.  Best wishes with your treatment!