My primary breast cancer 7 years ago was oestrogen + progesterone + and her2 - My metastases when found a year ago was TN My confusion is this: when I look for information on treatment and life expectancy on MTNBC all of the info I find is for BC that was TN to begin with whereas mine has changed. Most of what I have read…
PIKNIC clinical trial
I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in 2016. I've tried a few different chemos in that time. The latest was Eribulin. All the scans show the cancer is stable but my tumour markers have been rising. I've tolerated the chemo well up until the last 6 weeks where I have been getting almost daily headaches & numerous…
Freaking out ultra sound and mammogram today ..
Today I had an ultrasound to check on a lump of scar tissue in the surgery site of my lumpectomy I had over 2 years ago. The radiologist came in to tell me nothing else showed up in either breasts phew ....however one lymph node shows vascularity around it .I asked what size it was knowing normal size is 1 cm. She said it…
I climbed Mt Kosciuszko
Thanks to the OTIS Foundation, I have been staying in Thredbo with my beautiful family for a much needed break together. I have been in so much discomfort in all of my joints, including hips and especially knees and lower back. I was diagnosed 9 mths ago & have stage 4 bc, it has spread across my entire liver. I thought…
Strategies for those rough days
Hi everyone -Many of you have traveled this path longer than me -I am 10 mths in with no surgery but liver and bone mets and had several chemo rounds and now on Xeloda and coping better side effect wise apart from neuropathy and hot flushes made worse since I now take Exemestane. I am having a ratty couple of days -losing…
Im new here
Hi everybody I was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in April 2016. I am on three weekly Herceptin and Perjeta plus Letrozole. I have tumours in both breasts, in lymph and lungs Its good to be here. My main problem is fear.
Xeloda -- foot care
Hi Xeloda users! This might not be news, but it was news to me so I thought I'd post it. I've been taking Xeloda for nearly five years, so have tried many potions and pastes on my feet to keep them walkable. For the last couple of months I've been using emulsifying ointment PB (paraffin wax with no flavours, colours or…
CDK Inhibitors approved by PBAC 20 April 2018
CDK Inhibitors approved by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) but cost is still an issue. See the link below for further information https://www.bcna.org.au/news/2018/04/cdk-inhibitors-approved-by-pbac-but-costs-still-an-issue/
New to sharing
Hi all, first timer here I was first diagnosed May 2013, 6 rounds of chemo, 30 radiation treatments, then Tamoxifen til 31st Oct 2017 when my world fell apart, bone , lung, and a few other places mets, nail inserted on 24th Nov, lucky to get a place on the ribociclib compassionate access program, combined with letrizole…
Triple negative inflammatory
I had stage 3 triple neg inflam bc. Does anyone else with this take any ongoing preventative meds?
Today I have been in touch with a friend who is the director of a research institute. I asked him about funding for metastatic breast cancer: if there was 30% of research devoted to metastatic breast cancer. He was non commital. He did however tell me that 2 oncologists associated with his institute were doing research…
I am currently on tamoxifen after recently being diagnosed with Mets. I am 49 and this was my first diagnosis. As I am not post menopause my Oncologist has put me on this medication and a planned surgery to remove ovaries in next month. I have developed a horrible migraine slowly over the last 2 days which has worsened…
Further Spread
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2008 & underwent mastectomy & axillary clearance, which showed spread to lymph nodes, so had the chemotherapy & radiation regime. I was proud of how well I managed, still holding down my job & not having many of the side effects. Though did go through a rough patch with Taxotere,…
Travel insurances
I have been diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer in the bone. Lesions in hips & neck of femur. Other lesions in the thorax but not necessarily breast cancer. My Oncologist has advised that it’s ok for me to travel nationally and internationally. Can anyone advise which Travel Inurance company has the most understanding…
New to the group
i live in a country town where they have no groups for Metastatic breast cancer it is more first women that have been early diagnosed. So when i was told that group was on line i was really pleased reading so many out there are the same and your not alone. Was diagnosed in 2009 with stage 3 and 19 lymph nodes taken out…