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Freaking out ultra sound and mammogram today ..

Sam09 Member Posts: 149
edited May 2018 in Metastatic breast cancer
Today I had an ultrasound to check on a lump of scar tissue in the surgery site of my lumpectomy I had over 2 years ago. The radiologist came in to tell me nothing else showed up in either breasts phew ....however one lymph node shows vascularity around it .I asked what size it was knowing normal size is 1 cm. She said it is within normal size but since the last ultrasound it has vascularity. She wanted to do a needle biopsy then and there. I declined because Id rather speak to my own oncologist in 2 weeks first. ...I did agree to a mammogram which I  do not  like having but I did as she explained it would show up more. All sorts of fear is bubbling up and I'm trying to stop it .I have had scans 2 months ago and no active cancer apparently. Can anyone tell me if this could be Ok? I'm on herceptin and perjeta forever I guess and it has worked well  so far and I didn't have any lymph nodes taken at surgery .I didn't wish to do that  My bloods last week were perfect . But ...still what does this mean . I haven't had any infections that I know of either...


  • steplightly
    steplightly Member Posts: 185
    Hi @Sam09. I cannot help with any of this but hoping and praying all will be well. I trust someone can come by and answer some of your questions and allay some of the fears. Keep thoughts positive on what you do know. The fear is absolutely understable. hugs
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Sam09 sending u big hugs and positive thoughts xoxox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hang in there Sam. I know the waiting is awful but it's not something until it is, and there's nothing more for you to do now. What's something that helps you take your mind of things? Get into as much distraction as you can manage. Thinking of you and sending a big hug. K xox
  • Sam09
    Sam09 Member Posts: 149
    Thank you ladies  :)
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,803
    Hugs Sam 
    Take care
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    Hi @Sam09. I haven't got any more to offer than the other ladies, just wanted to say that I'm thinking of you. 
    Take care 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hey love. Thinking of you too. Big hu Margie