Ballarat forum
Today I was an attendee at a BCNA Forum held in Ballarat for both Early Breast Cancer and Metastatic Breast Cancer. It was an extremely well run forum with opportunity for questions either of the presenters direct or through an open panel discussion towards the end. I urge all of you to consider a forum when there's one…
Anyone in to kayaking?
Just bought my very own Dragon fishing kayak. I am not sure if I will be game enough to fish yet but I do like paddling. I over did it on the first day and spent the next day in bed lol. I am determined though and will hopefully have it in the ocean again this afternoon. My big 25 year old son who is grossly over weight…
Are there dental impacts of hormone therapy ?
Hi all , I take Letrozole/ Femara daily and 6 monthly Prolia injections and seem to be in bother with teeth chipping/ splitting or breaking. Is anyone else in the same boat ?Also am on a week off from Prolia to get some dental work done - a filling done.Am worried about the safety of extractions in my circumstance.Any…
Counseling/Support Information- desperate to talk - while I try to put my life back together
Hi all I am on the north side of Brisbane looking for a centre that provides support, particularly counseling, diet advice, physiotherapy, acupuncture, other natural therapies etc would be a bonus. I have tried the following avenues: (Name removed as per Community Guidelines) - I went here for a massage and the service was…
The use of Lipegfilgrastim for the prevention/easing of febrile neutropenia in breast cancer patient
I had febrile neutropenia after chemo 3 so as a preventative measure was given an injection of Lipeg. to take 24 hours after chemo 4. Unfortunately, I developed all the side effects of Lipeg. (the main 1 in 10 ones - not the ruptured spleen further down the page ones!) except for diarrhoea. One was a temp of 38.2 so off I…
Feeling anxious need some positive stories
Hi All, I don’t know where to start with this one. Am 38 with 2 small boys. Was diagnosed last Feb opted for double mastectomy, then had 4 Ac then 12 taxol then 6 weeks of rads. My cancer was oestrogen positive 30% progesterone neg and HER2 pos. I had 5/11 nodes show microscopic traces of cancer. Next stage is ovaries out…
Overseas Travel and Travel Insurance
Hi All, After a terrible 2107 having chemo and radiotherapy I am thankful I am now well, back to work and generally feeling back to "normal". One of my colleagues suggested a trip to Canada in Aug/sept this year and I would love to go. However, it will be a expensive trip and it seems travel insurance will not cover…
First real walk since first AC
Just got back from my first REAL walk since chemo 11 days ago. 5km, glorious colours in the sky and lots of roos to keep me company. Feeling so much better than a couple of days ago.
So scared about surgery tomorrow
I don't know what is wrong with me but I am sitting here in almost a full on panic attack from having my port out tomorrow. I know stupid right? I was so much calmer for my breast surgery. I think it didn't help that my surgeon who placed the port disagreed with the oncologist's recommendation to get it out. He told me it…
Shaving head
Hi i shaved my hair after my 2nd chemo back in November but since its growing it had grown back a completely different colour which is Grey im only 43 and dont want a full head of grey .mm thinking if i reshave will it come back adiffetent colour than grey .just wondering who h as done this and did it work ?? Thanks
Herbs , vitamins and minerals
Was reading an article today which mentioned Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre site so thought I’d put the web address up again as many of us like to try complementary therapies. Thankyou to the people who told me about this site as I have found it both interesting and useful on several occasions but that said always…
Omg new research on bc spreading
Well people I know we are told a lot of foods we like may not be good for us and here’s another one.Drew my attention as only recently discovered the joy of fresh asparagus and did become a little keen - might need to rethink or try that moderation word. Asparagus link to breast cancer is discovered by scientists - Evening…
Interesting article shared on facebook
Hi All. This is a great article. A little more depth would have been nice, but good that people are discussing.…
Running on empty
Lately I’ve had a few extra things suddenly all crop up at the same time. A couple of them I have absolutely no control over too. Add to that my 6 monthly check-up with my oncologist was due and I suddenly feel like I’m pushing a wheelbarrow, loaded with bricks, up a mountain and the wheel has come off too! Before bc I…
Weight gain and Arimidex
Hi everyone....has anyone had weight gain on Arimidex? I work in a job that has me walking over 15000 steps per day and have never had an issue before now!! I'm not really overweight but am concerned that the weight will keep creeping on. Thanks!!