Shaving head

Barney74 Member Posts: 89
Hi i shaved my hair after my 2nd chemo back in November but since its growing it had grown back a completely different colour which is Grey im only 43 and dont want a full head of grey .mm thinking if i reshave will it come back adiffetent colour than grey .just wondering who h as done this and did it work ??


  • socoda
    socoda Member Posts: 1,767
    Hey @Barney74, I'm sure the lovelies will be here to advise but I do remember a few saying that their hair started coming back in grey and then started to get darker. Here's a link to a collage of hair growth that Ne posted showing her hair - Big hugs lovely. Xx Cath
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    Just give it time. Chemo knocks your hair follicles about something awful. My hair grew back chalk white, graduated to grey. It now has more colour (brown) than I had before diagnosis. But that took a couple of years to get there. Re-shaving just means your growth is set back and doesn't guarantee colour will come back any better or faster. A good hairdresser is an ally at this time! Your hair can also change texture. Mine is less coarse than originally, and the crazy frizz that grew back has settled into a stylable slight curl. We're all anxious to get back to normal, but it does take longer than you hope for many. Best wishes. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Don't think it works like that Barney. I've kept mine super short (#6 clippers) for twelve months and it's a bit darker, but that probably because it's a bit thicker.
  • Harlee
    Harlee Member Posts: 106
    My fine strawberry blonde slightly wavy hair grew back dead straight, white and even thinner than before during my final rounds of chemo. After about 6 months a bit of colour came back but 4 years later it's still straight, still really really fine, and a sort of dirty blonde colour. 
    I'm just grateful to have hair and I colour it to the exact shade I want. I keep it short and also use Nioxin products to help thicken it up. 

  • Jane_Elizabeth
    Jane_Elizabeth Member Posts: 158
    Mine came back white and frizzy, which I hated, so I shaved it off again just to make myself feel better. It was still grey when it grew back again, which I thought would be permanent, but now after 2 years it is pretty much back to its original colour.
  • KatyJoy
    KatyJoy Member Posts: 181
    I have brown hair. When it came back after chemo it was completely grey! I had been colouring my hair for a few years before I lost it, so I assumed that was just how it was now. It was also very curly as it grew. I am now just past 12 months since chemo and my hair is back to my normal colour. A little grey on the sides but hardly any, and the curl is almost gone too. I am also 43.
    cheers, Kate
  • Barney74
    Barney74 Member Posts: 89
    Thank ladies here is 
  • Fionap2017
    Fionap2017 Member Posts: 64
    My hair is just starting to grow back and it is bright white! I know how you feel Barney74, I’m only 39 and I assumed it would just come back dark brown as it was before. I was thinking the colour would come back soon but after reading all these comments I may be waiting a lot longer than I thought. Guess I’ll keep wearing hats! As least until it’s long enough to dye it. 
  • Mollygirl
    Mollygirl Member Posts: 213
    @Barney74 - oh lord, the growing hair back part is horrendous!!!!! I absolutely hate my hair. I had long long blond from full head of foils and like that for many years. It's come back a non colour sort of steel grey with lots of whites. It's been growing back since October. Lets color it I thought. Chocolate brown - that sounds nice I thought. Try MAROON - like go Queensland maroon. Oh my god what the hell have I done. That was a month a go. :( needless to say I won't be DYI ever again!!!! 
    So I feel your pain .... Xx