Feeling anxious need some positive stories

lgray3911 Member Posts: 207
edited February 2018 in Health and wellbeing
Hi All, 
I don’t know where to start with this one. Am 38 with 2 small boys. Was diagnosed last Feb opted for double mastectomy, then had 4 Ac then 12 taxol then 6 weeks of rads. My cancer was oestrogen positive 30% progesterone neg and HER2 pos. I had 5/11 nodes show microscopic traces of cancer. Next stage is ovaries out on the 27th of March. I have been really positive through everything so far but the last week I feel like I am coming undone. Am really emotional and scared. I keep thinking about what after I’ve done all this stuff and it still comes back. Am in tears as I’m typing this right now. I really want to see my boys grow up. I feel so sad to think I might not have that chance. Need to hear some positive stories xx


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I'm  sure you ladies can share your experience in recovery.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @lgray3911 What others have said!  Thinking of you.
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    Dear @lgray3911, There's a few powerful positive stories above, and support - all the network members are here for you. Am thinking of you - best wishes from jennyss in Western NSW
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    I agree with kath lm 6 years post . My girls were older l just wanted all the things mums want.next friday my daughter will be married. This week lve cried so many times, the realisation that lve got to 6 years and one of my wishes will be true. It takes forever not to worry and worry will always be there, 2 years ago l was diagnosed with a rare blood cancer also wtf l thought but l thought lve just got to try and push.good days bad days better days you do get there, but you need to ferl sad sometimes xxx
  • Mollygirl
    Mollygirl Member Posts: 213
    @lgray3911, give yourself permission to feel sad, mad, anxious, scared.  Having a diagnosis of cancer takes away our previous complacency about longevity. Did you ever think about not living to a ripe old age before ?  I know I didn't. It makes us realise that life is fragile. Treatment depletes our emotional reserves as well as the physical. 
    Im so glad you've come on here for support. Perhaps because as mums do we hold everything back so as not to affect our families and those around us. Always trying to be  strong positive etc. well I believe that it all has to come out at some point. Perhaps your dam is not able to stem the flow so to speak, anymore. 
    I wish I had a magic wand or even magic words - would you consider seeing a psychologist?  Talking to someone and not feeling guilty to offload to them did help me. 
    Mostly I just want to say "we get you". Good days. Bad days. Scared some days. Positive some days. We get you. 
    Much love and lots of hugs. Xxxx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    I feel for you and understand completely how you feel. I have had lump removals they were supposed to be nothing which has now graduated to a simple right sided mastectomy with auxiliary lymph node removal tomorrow. Most likely I will have to have hormone therapy and radiotherapy but waiting for results is going to be horrific - it is all such a new and scary experience that is such a learning curve. I am like u and strong most of the time but every now and then all the worst case scenarios get in your head. Great that there is a forum here which I will find of great use. Good luck with your treatment and be strong but realise u r only human and you will have your bad days. 
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 461
    Hi ingray hope you continue to run in rain ..its just started raining down south near sydney temp is down to 17...not much on the tellie so have gone to the otherside.laughfter..ha ha two comedy nites in a row now its  jimoein on channel 11
    All best 
    Brighg in hope