Mascectomy bras and wig
Hi there, I have just celebrated my first post mascectomy birthday and finished chemo 6 months ago. Life is beginning to resume some normality after the adventures of the past year. Before my mascectomy and chemo I followed advice to get prepared in advance and purchased specialist bras and a nice short 'blonde' wig. The…
Hello. I have had one treatment of taxotere and I was Scared. The lower back pain and hips were very bad on in the night of the 4th day. I woke up feeling vulnerable, the pain wasn't as bad but it persisted for 5 - 6 days. Today it felt better, I have been taking panedol osteopanedol all week. Anyone out there with similar…
chemo and meditation
Hi I was diagnosed with stage II Breast cancer in March 2012 and have had surgery and chemo. I had my second last round of chemo last week and my last round will be at the end of August - wu hooo! At first I didn't believe that I would make it through the treatment, it was so unbelievably bad. The sheer variety of side…
Where's that noise coming from?
Did a little jog/ walk to the fridge and heard the strangest noise.... sounds like a jiggly water bottle???... Wriggled myself and... wait.... Its coming from MY body!! *@*!!! Was thinking WHAT NOW haha!!! And its under my armpit!!! another little surprise! Been entertaining everyone with this.... they dont find it as…
Time Flies
Hi Everyone, Well it's been just over 12 months since I heard those dreaded words, you have breast cancer!!!!! It has certainly been a scary journey but I'm pleased to say my last mammogram, ultrasound and bone scan are all cancer free, yes i am still suffering from the side effects from the Zoladex and Femara plus…
Depression & breast cancer
Hi all, This is Annie from BCNA's Policy Team. BCNA often hear from women who tell us they experience depression, and that it has a significant impact on their lives (and sometimes the lives of those around them). Some women tell us that they feel lost, and don't know what to do or where to go for help. For those who don't…
Chemo Round Eight - half way there!
Today I had my eight chemo (fourth Taxol) and am travelling well. No nausea just a wee bit of neuropathy in my fingers and fatigue, but we are keeping an eye on botht. I must say Taxol is certainly much easier that EC. So far hair loss is the worse symptom, I was hoping to keep my eyebrows but they are wisping away, as are…
What this thing does to our families
HI all my girls, About 10 minutes ago my 18 year old daughter told me she got caught at school today cheating on her year 12 sac I told her I couldnt believe that she would do that ,she said its that bloody cancer mum I cant concentrate and the last thing I CAN DO IS STUDY. I thought bloody thing . I excpect the phone…
a little hope
I've never posted before but l've taken the time to tonight as I often visit this site for info on certain things I've experienced during my journey. My lack of concentration was non existent while I was having treatment which was mainly why! I want to offer a little hope to others that are currently going through this…
really cross
Ladies I blogged today with good news FOR MYSELF but now Im angry and upset and sad because my beautiful friend vickie who Ive met at every appointment who has had her surgery together recovered together did not get a good report from our surgeon no clear margins at all actually cancer bigger than thought shit shit bastard…
I must be dreaming
Hallo Ladies Adean here, I think I had a dream last night and the sugeon told me my margins are clear and nodes as well FUNNY thing is it wasnt and it is actually true I found out last night I cannot know How I feel and its a bit of a blur my husband said I was very distant and didnt hug him when he hugged me ,he said…
Last steps of my op! :-)
Hello Ladies, I hope you are all doing well.......It is over now 1 year since my diagnonsis of TNBC and so much has happened. I have just had the finishing touches & tidy up of my diep-flap surgery & I have a lovely set of breast again with nipples and some lipo-sculpture done last Monday just gone and all went well :-)…
I have removed this as it was public available.
It's not all Kylie
I'm new to the whole blogging thing so excuse my ineptness. I was diagnosed with IDC (invasive ductal carcinoma) in Nov 2009. My daughter was 19months old and I was still doing the night time breast feed. My daughter was a much loved addition to our lives as my husband and I had 7 miscarriages before Georgie's conception.…
How dare you.....I'm back!
So I've picked myself up and dusted myself off from the shock of the last few weeks...boy it was a doozy to get my head around but I'm back.... ready to face the world again and give this disease WHAT FOR! I'm gonna stare this demon down and give it a whooping! ? I started my new treatment regime last…