chemo and meditation

I was diagnosed with stage II Breast cancer in March 2012 and have had surgery and chemo. I had my second last round of chemo last week and my last round will be at the end of August - wu hooo!
At first I didn't believe that I would make it through the treatment, it was so unbelievably bad. The sheer variety of side effects and symptoms was overwhelming.
The biggest thing that has helped me during this journey has been meditation, so I wanted to tell other people about it.
After my surgery I joined a meditation group set up specially for people who are going through or have had treatment for cancer. Through this group, I have met the most wonderful supportive and loving women. I now meditate every day (well almost every day!). I firmly believe that meditation has helped me deal with the stress of having cancer and in doing so has helped my body and immune system deal better with the chemo. Being calmer has also helped me in my relationships with my family, friends and others around me. And finally it is made me feel more in control of my treatment. So this is the biggest tip I can pass on to anyone who is at the beginning of their journey.
There are some great relexation and meditation CD's that you can get from the cancer council and there are also lots of guided meditation tracks on You tube.
Happy meditating!