I must be dreaming

Hallo Ladies Adean here, I think I had a dream last night and the sugeon told me my margins are clear and nodes as well FUNNY thing is it wasnt and it is actually true I found out last night I cannot know How I feel and its a bit of a blur my husband said I was very distant and didnt hug him when he hugged me ,he said didnt take long to be a bitch again, cheeky bugger. Will be having the 6 weeks of radio and then the tamoxifen today I feel weird and like is that it , did you ladies feel like that ever? This site has been my greatest pleasure to blog and correspond with people. My brain does not rest as now my 23 year old has had a papsmear come back with not good results and monday we are of to a gyno to follow another new path poor thing says mum what have we done to have such a drama filled time ? xxx LUV TO ALL
Sooo happy for you but hubby must realise that if he has a secret place to go to so do you.
Always remember that forwarned is forarmed and your girl will be fine, pap smears are notorious for indescripensices.
Look for the lighter side of the conversation my dear!
Cheers to you and your family