Paclitaxel & Herceptin
Hello Ladies, I am 5 weeks out from having a unilateral DEIP and was originally diagnosed with high grade DCIS. After mascetomy path results came back triple negative with 0.5mm of IDC. but after seeing my oncologist last week she has informed me that I'm now HER2+1(low level amplified). She said by having 3 weekly…
If you are helping then help!
Rant warning :) Last year I had to have radiation therapy for 9 weeks and contacted the local support group to help with transport to and from treatment because of overwhelming tiredness and a 100+km round trip to treatment every day. They offer this service BUT only if the appointment times suit them. This year I have to…
Reclaim Your Curves - a breast reconstruction resource for Australian women - Sydney Support Lunch
Come and join us for lunch in a relaxed and friendly environment at Eden Gardens, Macquarie Park, Sydney - Sunday 29th October 12noon to 3pm. Please rsvp so we can book numbers. Most ladies havent been before so please feel free to come along, share your story and ask any questions. Rosemary and Annmaree look forward to…
Finding out results tomorrow
It will be exactly 3 weeks since my masectomy and diep reconstruction tomorrow, and at 3pm I have an appointment with my surgeon to find out the results from pathology, I have been anstey all day and am not sure I will sleep to well tonight, so fingers and toes crossed .....
Post Surgery, Mastectomy and Reconstruction Bras
Hey All! I wanted to share a wonderful lady I had an appointment with today, her name is Genevieve Gort and her business is Breast Care Victoria & Surgical Garments, she is a Registered Nurse but now does bra fittings for Breast Cancer Women. She works in a studio at home in Port Melbourne. I have to say it was such a…
Not sleeping
Hi All, just wondering if anyone else has problem sleeping and any advice appreciate Shaz
Pain 2 years on
Hi Ladies, it's been 2 years since my wide local incision. Apart from the problems being on Letrozole bring, the breast has been good. Just this last week I have been having stabbing pains around the incision site. I assume it's nerve pain like when the site is healing. Has any else had this problem so far down the track?…
Online resources
Hi everyone, I was thinking about the importance of online resources about breast cancer. I really liked the Finding My Way online program run through Flinders University, which is free and available to anyone who is interested in using it. There were other online resources I used which were really good as I worked through…
Heredity Question
Hi Warriors, I am new here and do not have Breast Cancer. I have a lump, have had it mammogrammed for a few years now yearly. Each year at these mammograms, it does not show up on the mammogram but it does show up in the ultrasound.. each year they ask if I have a family history, I say no and they say "see you again in a…
Frequently asked questions
Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) works to ensure that Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care appropriate to their individual needs. https://youtu.be/iYGwznH8pNY GENERAL QUESTIONS Do I need to create an account?An account is not required to subscribe to our…
Last oncologist visit
I'm done !!! All boxes ticked, & wished a good life. I was diagnosed on May 31st 2011. Yesterday I had my final appointment with the Medical Oncologist. She agreed with my decision to stop Letrozole, we talked about it last year & I actually stopped 3 months ago because I should have seen her in July & that would give me…
Insight to the beginnings of BCNA
http://www.heraldsun.com.au/leader/inner-east/guide-dogs-womens-footy-and-fighting-breast-cancer-the-busy-world-of-karen-hayes/news-story/47382c555f0ff05923a53979a96e81f7 I thought most of you would find this story interesting to read
3/10/17 Xpataus' Birthday Today!!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday Wish to you Karen @xpataus for your birthday today. Wishing you love, laughter, overwhelming joy, the return of the dream job, excitement, anticipation and cake. Hope your day is truly awesome. Xx Cath
Chemo menapause periods
Hi all I finished chemo may been on tamoxifen sine june and chemo gave me menapause sweats but theyve eased and today go to toilet and a brown mucusy discharge is happening im wondering if my cycle going to start again also had mastectomy February left breast and friday had ultrasound right breast gotta have core biopsy…
Hysterectomy and Overies removed
Has anyone taken this step to help minimise its return? If the Overies are not there then maybe Tamoxifen isnt needed? And if you dont take Tamoxifen then that chance of cervical cancer decreases or if we remove cervix as well then at least we wont get cervical cancer too. I know I may be takig prevention to the extreme…