Frequently asked questions

BCNA Administrator Posts: 9
edited December 2022 in General discussion

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) works to ensure that Australians affected by breast cancer receive the very best support, information, treatment and care appropriate to their individual needs.


Do I need to create an account?

An account is not required to subscribe to our newsletters, to order resources, to add a listing to the support and services directory, or to use our website. You do need to create an account to participate here, in the online network.

How do I create an account?

Click here!

How do I change my user name?

It is not possible to change your own user name. If you’d like your user name changed, please email or call us at 1800 500 258.

How do I change my email address?

Click here to go to your account page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to Account information. Enter your new email and click on Submit.

How do I change my password?

Click here to go to your account page. Scroll to the bottom of the page to Account information. Enter your new password, confirm it and click on Submit.

I can’t remember my user name or password. How do I recover them?

Click here to reset your password. Enter your email. You will receive an email containing your user name and a link to reset your password.

If you’ve forgotten your email or experience other difficulties, please email or call us at 1800 500 258.


For tutorials on how to use the online network, please visit the what and how thread.

How do I create a profile in the online network?

If you’ve joined the online network, your profile is automatically created for you. It shows:

  • Your user name
  • Join date
  • The number of visits you’ve made
  • The date you were last active
  • Your role in the community (e.g. member, admin, staff)
  • The number of posts you’ve made
  • The number of badges you’ve earned
  • Reactions
  • Activity
  • Your profile picture (either a default image or one you’ve uploaded)
  • My Story (optional)
Can I edit my profile in the online network?

You can edit your profile picture, My Story, and add to your Activity feed. Everything else is automatically generated.

How can I change my profile picture?

Click here to go to your profile. Click on Change Picture. You can select from a pool of avatars or upload your own from your computer. Square images work best. Don’t forget to click Save Avatar.

What is My Story and how do I use it?

My Story a space for you to share a little bit more about yourself. It’s optional.

Please remember that anything online is potentially public information. Do not share anything you’re not comfortable with the public knowing about you.

What is Activity and how do I use it?

The Activity feed shows activity across the network - new members, member achievement, and status updates posted by members in their profile Activity box. 

Can I edit my post?

Members may edit their posts within 15 minutes of publishing them.

How do I delete a post or comment?

Members can't delete posts or comments. If you would like your content deleted, please contact a moderator.

What kind of files can I attach to my post?

You can upload images, documents, and other files. The maximum file size users will be able to upload is 50 mb.

You can also add videos to your post by pasting the URL of the video. When you post, the url will convert and show the video. This works with YouTube and Vimeo.

How do I create a group?

Groups are created by BCNA and facilitated by members. If you’re interested in starting a Group, please email or call us at 1800 500 258.

How do I add tags to posts?

When writing your post, you can choose from a list of tags to add to your post. This is optional.

Why do some members have a dragonfly by their names?

Members that say Dragonfly and have a dragonfly image are members that have passed away. Why dragonfly? There was a wonderful woman named Veronica Macaulay-Cross. She was a Community Liaison and consumer rep. She passed away in 2007. She loved dragonflies and saw them as a symbol of beauty and resilience. She asked her friends to remember her every time they saw a dragonfly. The dragonfly has since become one of BCNA's symbols. We have a room at the BCNA office called the Dragonfly Room. And as an aside, if you've ever seen our big, inflatable pink lady, her name is Veronica.


Why is there moderation on the online network?

BCNA has a responsibility to maintain the quality of content which appears on our website. We employ a small team to monitor and manage community participation. The aim of moderation is not censorship, but to ensure we meet our legal responsibilities and that the community remains a safe space for all Australians affected by breast cancer.

Who moderates the online network?

The online network team is made up of community managers employed by BCNA and a small pool of volunteers: @Cosette_BCNA, @Ann-Marie_BCNA, @Jess_BCNA, @HaMy, and @Danielle_Kate.

Why was a post edited or removed?

A post may be edited or removed if it violates the Website Terms of Use or community guidelines.

Why was a member banned?

Banning a member from the online network is very unusual. Members who violate the community guidelines are usually spoken with privately and given the opportunity to continue participating in the online network. However, if a member repeatedly violates the community guidelines, they may be banned temporarily or permanently.

We will not discuss specific situations, cases or decisions with anyone other than the member affected.

I have a complaint about moderation. How do I escalate it?

Unfortunately, the large quantity of user content on the online network means that we can’t enter into correspondence regarding specific moderation activity. However, all correspondence will be read. If you have suggestions or questions about any aspect of moderation and community participation on the online network you can write to

I have an idea/suggestion/feedback, etc.

Great! We appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with us. You can share your feedback in the General section of the online network, email or call us at 1800 500 258.


  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    To Admin.  Since the change over with the new look I am missing "my story" from my profile.  The information that I had there is gone.  Is there any way I can get that back?  I had all my surgery dates there and would hate to have to re-write it all.
    Thank you.
  • Cosette
    Cosette Member Posts: 612
    Hi @Ne. Unfortunately, that did not come across. Although it appears like profiles, which contained My Story, were part of the online network, that informated actually lived somewhere else on the website. So, it did not transfer over like the posts, comments, and private messages did. Although it's not quite as extensive, iIf you want to, you can re-write it and add it to your online network profile. Instructions are here:
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    Thank you Cosette.  Also, When do we get the 1year badge?  Is that from when you joined?
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    @Ne you now have a 1year anniversary badge :)
  • Ne
    Ne Member Posts: 336
    Oi! thank you Ann-Marie.  xx
  • Ann-Marie
    Ann-Marie Member Posts: 1,113
    @Ne my pleasure 
  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    Hi I wrote an entry for discussion last night but was unable to post it.Fortunately I saved the draft. This morning I opened the draft to post it and got a message "you don't have permission to do that" several times. How do I post my draft? Cut and paste? Thanks!
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Where were you trying to post it? If it’s a group you aren’t a member of that could be it? I would try the cut and paste option. Paula xx
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    I found the website had logged me out, so that was why I got that message, check that you are still logged in. It is not obvious.
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