just thinking
I've just been sitting here thinking about my cancer history. Decided to put it in writing just to see how it looks so here goes. 1992 diagnosed with my first primary breast cancer, 3 surgeries, lumpectomy, lymph node removal and then mastectomy. 1994 diagnosed with my 2nd primary breast cancer, only the 1 surgery this…
To all men on fathers day
Hi girls hope you are all well, just wanted to acknowledge all the men on Father's Day today,even if they are not fathers. Thank you men for all your support you give us. My precious husband told our girls he didn't give a s... About Father's Day he just wanted mum to always be healthy, god love them. Regards adean
General Cancer Books
A couple of books I found interesting reading. Always a personal slant helps AND Australian based. 'You can get through this' by Domini Stuart * Domini follows through the journey of breast cancer but I especially like her focus on attitude * "Whether or not a positive attitude has any effect on how long we live, it will…
The Discovery
Not sure of the exact date, but probably last week in July I find a lump in my right breast while in the shower that just didn't feel right. It didn't hurt, it felt hard and it tube-like in shape. Decided to wait until period was finished to see if it changed. Meanwhile I give Google a real workout, my lump sounds like a…
happy news
There has to be some now and then doesn't there ? Well my daughter has announced that she is expecting a baby in November. Not planned and slightly bad timing but she and her fiance are happy about it so that.s what matters. Gosh - a grandmother. Not sure about that. Although the grey/white hair fits the bill ! At least I…
Post by New Member IP
Thank you Katie for accepting me into the phyllodes group. Well here goes with my story.... I want to post it as I'm hoping that others might benefit by what I am saying. The "writer's rave" to follow is not meant to be "all about me" rather an insight to who I am and a summary of my journey so far. My story starts in May…
Summit- Need to share
Hey my beautiful pink sisters I just needed to let everyone know that I did go to the Summit BUT I became very unwell. I got through the Thursday, just, and went back to my room and slept the night away. Friday I managed to get up get dressed and I even forced myself to walk to the Summit which was a 20minute walk thinking…
One little blow in our world today :(
Our family were very much saddened as our darling little cat had to be put to sleep. She was almost 19 years of age and has been with us since she was 4 months old. She had shown signs of arthritis and was suffering a bit from dementure and she'd become quite thin over the past few months but we'd had her checked out and…
Fun times
Good Morning on this grey and chilly day. Yesterday was the total opposite as it was one of those beautiful crisp winter days with blazing sunshine, so good for ones well being. Health wise going along OK but tumour markers are up again...pesky things. Interestingly I can tell as I always feel not quite right and extra…
'Made with Love' cookbook
For those needing recipe inspirations, the Made with Love cookbook produced by BCNA and Sussan includes a range of scrumptious recipes, includes a chapter on meals perfect for freezing for friends in need. You can order the recipe book through the Sussan website.
I must get moving
I better get moving, cannot stay on here all day. There are things to do, places to go, people to see - Although i do like reading the posts on here. I just had a 3 week road trip to Rockhampton, Yeppoon, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Tamworth, Childers, Coonabarabran etc. drove 6000 kms. Went with a friend. Met some nice people…
A funeral
Wish to let you all know that I care very much for how youre all going, and get on here to give as much support as possible. My husbands best friend has just died suddenly, and we are dealing with that loss. The friend was only 42, exercised and was very fit and this is a big shock. We moved to Launceston with the bonus of…
I worry every minute of every day about my sister. I have been told off for not talking to her enough! I am 1300km away and I am a ostrich, if I don't talk to her she is still the healthy person she was 12mths ago!!!! I know that is selfish but the thought of her unwell, feeling like shit or down is too much and I struggle…
amusing, teenagers
sitting here in the lounge watching the 14yr old MM is making me laugh, hes trying to take selfies without me knowing.... hes a good distraction. i have oncology on Wed coming and should have the new results of my CT scan, im feeling ok, jsut dont know if the Herseptin can keep my lungs, bones and liver happy.
Oh sh**!!!!!
Hi all, well I have been given some not so good news on Monday, after nearly a week of generally feeling unwell with no real reason I could put my finger on I called my oncology nurse who called my oncologist who said I should go to the hospital to get some more scans, so after a head CT and a wait for the results that…