Slow Dance
Slow Dance This is a poem written by a terminally ill young girl with cancer, in a New York Hospital. Have you ever watched kids On a merry-go-round? Or listened to the rain Slapping on the ground? Ever followed a butterfly's erratic flight? Or gazed at the sun into the fading night? You better slow down. Don't dance…
Back to work soon
Seemed like it wouldn't happen but the chemo fog has lifted. Go back to work on Tuesday. Looking forward to getting some normality back! Cording in my arm is still restricting me driving only short distances. Kinda nervous about work colleagues reactions to me cause I haven't been back to work since my diagnosis back in…
hate mothers day
yes i hate mothers day well i do this year im stuck here at home by myself im angry and weak and tired and teary and noone to talk to i even rang life line but hung up because there was a queue. i was supposed to go in the mothers day classic and i cant im too weak today and its wet anyway. everyone else has and they are…
Today I am....
Today I am feeling a bit more rested after a good nights sleep. I have decided to put a different picture up of myself, although, I no longer have the same look., This picture was taken at the beginning of chemotherapy after all. I went to speak to the lovely ladies at the Launceston Cancer Council the other day, and had a…
Is it 3 yrs or 10yrs?
There seems to be a few of us here going for our annual checkups at the moment.I had my mammogram last week and am happy to say I got the all clear on my remaining breast ,3 years on from my second bc diagnosis.I would really like to say it was 10 years on from my initial bc diagnosis cos then I'd be getting the golden…
Chocolate Avocado Mousse
This is a recipe that requires little effort! A decadent chocolate dessert that has a healthy twist and anyone can make it within 5 minutes. Ingredients * 1 Avocado * 1/4 cup pure cocoa * pinch of himalayan salt or rock salt * 1/4 - 1/3 pure maple syrup or agave syrup Method Put all ingrediants into blender and blend away…
Amoena Bras Bounce!
And that's not good when you have stithces from both armpits to both nipples! I bought this bra because David Jones don't stock the berlei ones anymore! They are about half the price of the berlei one and I should add that I'm a C cup and my surgeon keeps saying "You have very dense breasts!" but having to clutch your…
All we need is buns, buns!!!
I had to share this lovely tale. My great nephew (6 years old) and the grandson of my sister was having afternoon tea with his Nanna. He was having a pink finger bun. The Pink Bun Campaign ad with Raelene Boyle came on the television. He said "You know Nan that those pink buns fix breast cancer"!!! My sister said "Aunty…
I never dreamt....
When I arranged for the Launceston Breast Cancer Rose Garden to become a reality I never dreamt that my dearest wee grand daughter would visit, enjoy and identify with it. It's in its third flowering now and so fragrant in the Autumn breeze. ~ I am thankful for every day.
Susie's Mum's Lemon Cheesecake
You wont try a baked cheesecake again after this one.... * 1 pkt NICE biscuits * 1 teaspoon cinnamon * 6oz margarine Combine biscuits, butter and cinnamon. Press on sides and bottom of (spring ring) tin. Put in fridge to chill. * 250g cream cheese * 1 tin condensed milk * 1/2 cup lemon juice Beat cream cheese, gradually…
Communicating your diagnosis to loved ones
The latest in BCNA’s series of short videos has been completed and focuses on how to communicate with children, parents, friends and other family members after a diagnosis of breast cancer. In the new video BCNA members speak out about what they found helpful for communicating with loved ones in the days and weeks…
What a fantastic idea
I congratulate you on this great idea. To be able to blog to others living in the area would be great. It could also start a "get together" and meet and greet. Thanks and will be definately involved in this one. Julie XX
Pumpkin Fruit Loaf
All my friends love this cake but my husband doesn't! It's foolproof and has no eggs and no oil/butter. * 1 pkt mixed dry fruit (375gms) * 1 cup of apricot nectar (200mls) * 1 teaspoon honey * 1/2 teaspoon sodi bicarb * 1 cup cold cooked/mashed pumpkin * 1 cup self raising flour. * 1 teaspoon of mixed spice * walnuts are…
Thank you
Thankyou Daina for starting up a group for those in the same area. Its nice to know there are others in the same boat closer to home. I was diagnosed in Feburary 2012 with a 2cm tumor. I have had problems all along, so I'm hoping now these troubles are behind me. I have had my mastectomy in the beginning of December 2012…
Cathy O'Shea blog
I was diagnosed in August 2009 with early breast cancer had a lumpectomy first in early September but only had 2 out of 6 clear margins so I then had a mastecomony and saline implant but had to wait 5 weeks for surgeons to team up. I now have a silicone implant and all reconstructions takes about 18 months to complete…