IBC - Need to chat with my pink sisters
Hey girls I needed to chat to you as I am a lil bit worried. I have an ultrasound booked for this Tuesday. I have been noticing feelings like a sinuey/lumpy kind of feeling on the same breast they removed the lump from just over one year ago. I am also experiencing some pain and there are some minor red areas and minor…
IBC myths from World Cancer Day
My good friend is struggling with IBC and sent me this link from World Cancer Day. It has helped me to better understand this rare disease and I thought it might help others too. http://breastinvestigators.com/content/world-cancer-day-dispel-myth-about-cancer-dayso-lets-start-inflammatory-breast-cancer-ibc-0 xxx L:)
Body and Soul
Great BC special in today's Sunday Telegraph pullout, Body and Soul, check it out!
New Artwork
I have just completed my latest artwork this week. I really enjoyed working on this one. It's watercolour and pencil, and depicts a world crew dragonboating in a beautiful trpoical destination....(well i am hoping to attend the International dragonboat event in Florida next year....) Currently at the printers and hopefully…
Something to share with my pink sisters
Hey pink sisters Just thought I would share my good news. My baby girl had her own baby girl yesterday 3/1/2013. She is named Amelia (Milly) Jasmine. She is just perfect. A reasonable delivery time for my daughter who had to be induced. Milly weighed 3.4kg which I think equates to under 8lbs for us oldies hee hee. I got to…
New Artwork
Hi all you creative gals. i have just finished my latest illustration this week. It's a fun world dragonboat crew paddling in an exotic location. I use pen, then watercolour, and coloured pencil to create this picture. I love drawing and painting as it relaxes me and I can listen to my favourite music too. This artwork is…
To say it...
Hi, I have been updating my blog :) Thank you all for your messages and your support, it means A LOT ! http://magsblog.com/2012/09/07/to-say-it/
Planned trip to Europe in May
Stage 3 on my journey
Boris has gone. That is my fervent hope at any rate. My appointment with the surgeon is next Thursday. i can't wait that long without knowing, so am going to see my GP tomorrow.That way, if the margins aren't clear I can start thinking about other plans. Boris is/was my breast cancer. Definitely male. Women would not be so…
Vote for Me Please!
Hi Ladies, Hope everyone is doing well? I was wondering if you could help me out by voting for me in an online competition? When I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer I knew I'd be off work for a long time so I enrolled in Millinery last year. I'm now in my second year and really enjoying it. Could you please follow this link…
Can't find amazing post!!
Help needed, There is an amazing blog which involves many many members and gives tips on coping with chemo and personal joys that keep them going. Could someone please direct me on how to access this, I would be most grateful, With thanks :o )
Pain Free Day
Well yesterday I was feeling so good and pain free. Thanks to my marvellous GP who told me the pain was a side effect of the Herception. She gave me a perscription for anti inflammatory tablets which have worked a treat. Back to walking today but will just ease into it as I haven't done alot since the start of December.…
Time has flown
Cannot believe it was July when I last posted a blog! With chemo finished it was on to the Radiation for 5 weeks and life was taken up with travelling to and from and having the treatments Monday thru Friday. Apart from taking up best part of the day, the treatments themselves were a doddle HOWEVER the aftermath was…
Christmas and New Year is here again.
I would just like to say a huge thankyou, thankyou, thankyou to all the people who are a part of BCNA and to all my beautiful pink sisters. I feel you are all a part of my family and you have been there and supported me throughout the last 12 months while I have been on my journey. I can honestly say I don't think I would…
my mum
I lost my mum on Wednesday. She was 96, still in her own home (with care) and quite healthy. I think she just wore out. She had been eating less for a few weeks and on Saturday her carer found her cold and unresponsive. She woke a little during the day but was mostly sleeping until Wed afternoon when she just stopped. It's…