latest news for me
Hi All, just wanted to give a quick update. I had my 2 year follow-up last friday with my breast surgeon and all is good. Lots of little cysts on the ultrasound in the good breast but nothing solid. The reconstructed side is all good too. Hooray. Hope you are all well. Cheers Katie.
Meeting the ABCFG
Last Tuesday I was able to join the Adelaide Breast Cancer Friendship Group for an informal gathering for tea at Primos on the Parade. Very grateful to Jenny for picking me up. Being able to chat with others who have been through similar experiences was very useful and helped me build on my growing knowledge and awareness…
A wig!
After the workshop, two girlfriends had arranged to pick me up and take me into the city to look at wigs. This was a lot of fun although tiring! I tried on several and talked about dos and don'ts and care. I really wanted something that wasn't too far from my current hair but maybe better! One I quite liked my friends felt…
Something to look forward to
Hi everyone, this is my first post, but always refer to your posts for advice etc. I was diagnosed in dec 2012, grade 3 triple neg, lumpectomy nodes and margins clear. Just had 2nd round of chemo (FEC), 4 to go then 5 weeks of radio. I will be finished by end of july, so to get me through this I want to plan a tropical…
Home sweet home
This feels a bit like the calm before the storm... I feel pretty good after 5 days in hospital following the mastectomy and axillary clearance. I have numbness from elbow up under my left arm, armpit and part of my left chest - I now refer to my chest and my breast - left and right side. Feels like a pre puberty chest.…
young grans paintings
It will be 2 years on the 10th March. Just had blood tests done all good. Mammagram and ultrasound Monday. Feeling a bit anxious though. Have just found the best GP. Very on the ball. 3mth blood tests and said I should have ultasound and mammagram and MRI, every 12mths. Have implants and by having MRI , will show up…
New BCNA videos following a diagnosis of breast cancer
BCNA has recently completed a series of short videos, featuring a number of BCNA members who share their experience following a diagnosis of breast cancer. These women open up about the shock, the fear, the support, treatment and what helped them through. Video 1: New diagnosis of breast cancer The video can be watched…
Valentines Day 2013
Valentines Day this year was amazing! My beautiful man set a lovely dinner table, cooked a yummy meal, took me for a romantic walk on the beach on a warm balmy night, gave me a dozen pink roses and it felt soooo good. But the day started in a different vein. Checking for prickles (haha) around the nipple that morning I…
The wait
young grans paintings
Long time!
Hello lovely ladies... I do apologize for not posting anything in such a long time. I went through a bit of an emotional roller coaster, not knowing who I am, and ofcourse having to take care of my 2 girls while trying to figure it all out.. I can say that I am much better than I was a few months ago, still have ups and…
Mozzies and my curiosity
Hey girls Just wondering if anyone who has gone through chemo has now found that the mosquito's seem to love them?? I never had a problem with mozzies but now they just love me to pieces. From Miss Curiosity Mich xoxo
Well, I am so excited to share with who ever is reading that through treatment I wrote a One Act Play entitled Powerfully Fragile. It is the story of four women and how they journey through their respective lives, focusing on One's recent cancer diagnosis. The women all have a burden to bear in life, and as such are quite…
Apron with retro buttons for my sister's birthday present