Debbie J
Debbie J Member Posts: 322
edited February 2013 in Day to day

It will be 2 years on the 10th March. Just had blood tests done all good. Mammagram and ultrasound Monday. Feeling a bit anxious though. 

Have just found the best GP.  Very on the ball. 3mth blood tests and said I should have ultasound and mammagram  and MRI, every 12mths. Have implants and by having MRI , will show up better. My surgeon said there was no need as I have had bilateral mastectomy  and only small amount breast tissue left.

My GP said it only  takes a small amount of breast tissue to turn cancer. Would rather be on the safe side. I know I am being looked after.

I remember when I first saw my Oncologist and asked how would I know if the Cancer came back., said you will know if you are unwell for 6 weeks see your Dr. My Gp said this is not good enough and we have to be on top of it. Monitoring is the best way. 

It has truley been a journey. From every wound there is a scar and every scar tells a story. A story that I have survived.

I am still trying to find out who I am now. Feel so old,tired all the time, bad joint pains and at times find it hard to walk. Hot flushes driving me crazy and night sweats. Would just love some of the old Deb back.

I have found strength, that I never thought possible. 

I have lost to many friends along the way through breast Cancer.  I have met so many amazing ladies, who are such an inspiration to me. We  pink sisters have such a special bond. 

this sight has helped me so much, with my journey,without it I do not know how I would have coped. To all you wonderful ladies I thank you so much.

Debbie xxxxxx


  • Debbie J
    Debbie J Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2015
    Tomorrow having mammogram & ultrasound. Feeling very anxious tonight. 2 years on Sunday.
  • Debbie J
    Debbie J Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2015
    Tomorrow having mammogram & ultrasound. Feeling very anxious tonight. 2 years on Sunday.
  • Debbie J
    Debbie J Member Posts: 322
    edited March 2015
    Thanks, results all good.Will be having a drink tonight.
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    Yay! Have one for me!

                       Tonya xx