my mum

magicmum Member Posts: 285
edited December 2012 in Day to day

I lost my mum on Wednesday. She was 96, still in her own home (with care) and quite healthy. I think she just wore out.

She had been eating less for a few weeks and on Saturday her carer found her cold and unresponsive. She woke a little during the day but was mostly sleeping until Wed afternoon when she just stopped.

It's odd, a bizarre feeling. That she will never be sitting in her armchair waiting for me again, that she won't be sharing Christmas with us, that she will not be on the other end of the phone every other day.

I am glad that she was happy to the end and that she never had to go into a nursing home - she stayed in the house my dad built right to the end. We can only hope that our end will be as peaceful.

I shall miss her for the rest of my life. It's going to be harder to get through this journey now without her love and support, but I will - FOR her.



  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    edited March 2015

    So so sorry to hear about you mum.It's hard at the best of times to lose a loved one but somehow it seems harder at Christmas.My beloved grandmother died on Christmas eve(many years ago now)but it's always a sad day.All in all,it's been a really hard year for you.I know you will miss your mum so much but it's good she could stay in her own home and go peacefully.That's how my dad died and although sad,I can look back knowing he was at peace and that somehow helped us alittle. You will have so many fond memories of your mum and it will be nice to share them with family at Christmas.Sending you my deepest sympathy and wishing you strength over this time of year.

                                         Tonya xx

  • poppy7
    poppy7 Member Posts: 41
    edited March 2015

    My deepest sympathies too, magicmum. I feel so sad for you. But what a wonderfull long life she had, and it sounds like you had a great relationship. I hope you can get some comfort from that.  Lots of love and hugs, Verouska

  • justtrina
    justtrina Member Posts: 110
    edited March 2015

    Sorry to hear of your loss... I feel for you..... I loved the quote she said when you asked her how she was doing after your father died.... beautiful...

    The relationship between a mother and daughter is special, but you will always have her in your heart... 

    Take care.


    PS: A great big hug accompanies this post!! 

  • magicmum
    magicmum Member Posts: 285
    edited March 2015

    Love you all, thanks.



  • FranP
    FranP Member Posts: 396
    edited March 2015

    i understand how you feel i lost my mum aged 62 on 13th december 22 years ago. i still miss her awfully, i especially missed her during my journey. 

    my love to you. xxx

  • FranP
    FranP Member Posts: 396
    edited March 2015

    i understand how you feel i lost my mum aged 62 on 13th december 22 years ago. i still miss her awfully, i especially missed her during my journey. 

    my love to you. xxx