Newly Diagnosed - Intro
Moderator moved @OTISMYCAT post to dedicates post in 'Newly Diagnosed':
Chemo tips / hacks?
Hi, lovely ladies is update from me I done my pet scan and have good results and I got a call from my day oncologist today and they already set my treatment dates.Starting next week with paclitaxel weekly for 12 around and carboplatin. Pertuzumab,trastuzumab three weekly so 4 round Is there anything I have to bring during…
I have my Oncologist puzzled - Oestrogen has increase post menopause
Hello lovelies. This is my first post so my story first - apologies if I don't have all the medico lingo down just yet. I am 53 years old and went through menopause in 2021. Diagnosed 02.09.24 with ER+98%, PR+95%, HER2-, 30mm tumour in my right breast which I found in the shower. Mastectomy 19.09.24 - 2 nodes removed which…
With BC being hormone receptive what do you do/take for menopause symptoms
Hi ladies, I have been searching through old posts trying to see if there is any products that help with surgical menopause symptoms (aches and joint pains are my worst) that does not fight with your hormone blocking meds. I was on a terrific herbal concoction which was great but was told to come off it by my Onc as she…
Cold Cap availability in public centres in Sydney/Newcastle
Hello everyone I was recently diagnosed with T2 (2.5cm), grade 2, HR+, with micrometastases in one sentinel node, which officially put chemo on the radar for the treatment plan. I pushed for the Oncotype DX but the advice from my treatment team was that as I had a couple of red flags (I'm premenopausal, have a slightly…
New Diagnosis - Should I be more emotional??
Thought I should really get my act together and finally have my first BreastScreen (South Australia) - age 53. Didn't think much about it and was preparing to book a family overseas holiday when suddenly I found myself with Left Breast DCIS and Right Breast ADH. Saw a wonderful surgeon on 3 Oct and was booked in for…
It’s a balancing act.
Hello, after a whirlwind 6 weeks of tests, scans etc. I have been diagnosed with stage 3 high grade left breast carcinoma with auxiliary node metastasis, oestrogen and progesterone positive. To say it’s been a shock is an understatement especially after recently having 10 year all clear of a previous cancer. I have…
New here
hello everyone my name is susan I’m 51 and live in Tasmania just been diagnosed with HER2 positive stage 3 was abit of a shock have had a full on mth of test scans ultrasound pet scans ect having surgery on the 29th followed my chemo and radiation.its great to have somewhere to go for information and others that are or…
Radiotherapy - breast pain at night
Hello, I have heard a lot about skin changes and fatigue with radiotherapy but not much has been said about breast pain. I have only had 5 sessions, and I am having strange pains in the treated side - mostly at night. Looking for your experiences and of course will speak to my specialist. Thanks
Drain pain
Hi all I am two weeks post left nipple saving mastectomy on left with implant reconstruction. Pathology after surgery found cancer in lymph nodes so I had a lymph clearance one week ago. I have found the recovery from the lymph surgery so much more painful and my drain site seems to be where the pain is coming from. The…
I am was recently diagnosed with DCIS stage 1 - there is a lot to take on board - I am currently using HRT - which will be ceased very soon - I don't know what to use for menopause symptoms after HRT ceases - any ideas!!
Confused & Overwhelmed
Hi everyone I'm brand new & so overwhelmed. My nurse has passed on theses details & I'm looking to share my story, offer my support & hope my new sisters can help & guide me please. I've got a small 11 x 8mm cancer. Grade 2, invasive ductal, ER 95%, PR 95%, Her negative & I'm booked for surgery 24 October. I've been told…
Nervous and new
Hi all. Im a 53 year old single mother of 2 adult children with an elderly mother who has been battling lung liver and bone cancer for the last 7 years. She lives an hour away from me with my awesome step father whom also is being treated for prostrate cancer. I was diagnosed as having grade 2 invasive ductal cancer 2…
Inflammatory Breast Cancer
Moderator moved @MissL post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':
Usure what decision to make
Hi, I was diagnosed on the 13th of September 2024. I have had my surgery, a right breast mastectomy. I am now 3 weeks post-surgery, I met with an oncologist two days ago to have an informed discussion. As my cancer is classed as grade 2 (20mm) and (9mm) he has suggested that it is my decision to make in regards to having…