DCIS - normal feelings?
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed in April this year with non invasive DCIS. I had surgery to remove growth, the radiation which finished in August. I worked mostly through the surgery and radiation treatment. But now I am feeling like I am having a breakdown. I am so angry and emotional and this is not me. I am post menopause…
Hi everyone, I am new to this forum - and any forum really - I have a horror of any sort of social media. But I am struggling so badly emotionally right now. I have been diagnosed with extensive DCIS in my left breast - 60mm high grade (grade 3) with comodo necrosis - confirmed via lumpectomy surgery. Another 5mm high…
Treatment Decisions
Hello, My name is Cherie. I was recently diagnosed with ER+ breast cancer, it really shook be to the core, and what a roller coaster ride it has been, (Not a fun one!). I am finding it more difficult dealing with the decisions on treatment than the actual cancer diagnosis. I had a lumpectomy with 2 lymph nodes removed…
Hi all, It's been a while since I post something. A lot has occurred since the last time I post something. Unfortunately, I was not doing well with the weekly chemo and Immunotherapy treatment. Spend all Easter break in hospital due to infection, I became hypersensitive to needles and got a PICC Line inserted which lasted…
Choosing a surgeon (Melb) -New diagnosis overwhelm
Hi there, Im 49 and had my first routine mammogram in September- no family history or symptoms. They discovered calcifications, had a biopsy then 5 days ago I was told I had breast cancer. Stage 2-3 6cm aggressive.That’s all I can remember to be honest as I was in so much shock. Got referred to my GP in the afternoon and…
Newly diagnosed
Hi everyone, so relieved I’ve found somewhere I can share with others who are living the same experience. I was diagnosed, 4 days ago. 33 years old. I had my CT and bone scan done Thursday and I was advised yesterday that there was no spread (despite it being an aggressive cancer) - a silver lining in what only can be…
72yr old newly diagnosed
Hi everyone, I’m a 72yr old diagnosed yesterday with invasive carcinoma NST. Stage 2. My tumour is at the 3 O’clock position in my chest, only a centimetre from my sternum and couldn’t be seen on mammogram. I am awaiting surgeon appt but wondering if anyone has had similar and what their surgery was- lumpectomy or…
Newly Diagnosed
Hello Everyone, I have been newly diagnosed this week and was absolutely blindsided by it. Went straight GP he sent me of for mammogram, ultrasound an biopsy. Got my results on Thursday and have been mess since, in my mind thought it was just fatty tissue or a cyst. It so far hasn't attached to an tissue around it and…
Conversation with my GP and Diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday at 46 years old. When they called and suggested I have a support person attend it was a bit of a give away. However i was still hopeful it was all benign. This is the very beginning of my journey in which many incredible women have been. I am seeing a…
Diagnosed this week and struggling
Hello everyone I'm glad to have found this community. I found a lump a few weeks ago, had a mammogram, ultrasound and biopsies and have two tumors in one breast, both invasive, one lobular and one non-specific. Both stage 1-2. So many thoughts and so much stress at the moment! I don't know how to cope at times. We don't…
Any suggestions /tips for preparing for surgery and heading home
Hi there, I will be having surgery in a week - lumpectomy and breast reduction in the other breast. I am trying to prepare what I can for not only the surgery but my return home. I have 2 primary age kids who are full of beans and 2 big dogs who love to be lap dogs. I am thinking maybe I need to create a quiet space in my…
StratXRT - first use, not sure I’m doing this right?!
Hi all Invasive lobular carcinoma (Grade 2, ER+ PR+). Breast conserving surgery completed 4/9 (after a wide excision open biopsy on 6/8). Started the first of 15 radiation treatments today and have opted to use StrataXRT. Have only used it once and it doesn’t feel like I expected. Everything talks about a ‘gel’ ‘drying’…
Chris O'Brien Lifehouse
Happy days has landed with Grade 2 invasive. I don't want much after double mastectomy - too many other co mobilities. Can anyone tell me in 2024 do RPA pts go into RPA ward or the Lighthouse as a public pt? I've had a few chats - and because I don't want anything apart from surgery it is pretty simple and not much there…
Rare Breast Cancer
Hi everyone I have recently been diagnosed with Encapsulated Papillary Carcinoma, apparently a rare cancer of the breast, mainly seen in post menopausal women in mid 60’s. I have had a lumpectomy with clear margins and am having sentinel lymph node biopsy next week, followed by possible radiation and hormone blocking…
High Dose Radiation to Chest Wall. Long-Term Side Effects?
Hello, My radiation oncologist has recommended a 20% higher than normal dose of radiation to the chest wall due to close posterior margin. I am keen to know what long-term side effects anyone has experienced from this type of radiation. Thank you for sharing.