Inflammatory Breast Cancer

Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,089
edited October 17 in Newly diagnosed
Moderator moved @MissL post from activity section to 'Newly Diagnosed':
Hi ladies, I'm still in the testing stage, but have been told I have Inflammatory Breast Cancer, in Breast, skin & lymph nodes.  Biopsies tomorrow 14 Oct, PET & Heart Scans 15th, Medical Oncologist 16th, Breast Surgeon 18th for results & chemo regime. Already been told will have to have 6 months chemo - very daunting, all my support overseas. 


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,040
    So sorry to see you join us here @MissL.   It is a real roller coaster ride, once you receive that dreaded news .... and your weeks now will be taken up with many more meetings with your team ... and start your treatment xx. Take lots of deep breaths, take it day by day, hour by hour if needed.    Whack up any questions that you have & we'll do our best to answer them xx There are NO silly questions xx. Anger, denial, sadness are all a part of receiving this diagnosis - but if you find it all a bit overwhelming, ask your GP to refer you to a counsellor xx

    You might like to listen to Charlotte Tottman's podcasts on her own 'journey' with her BC diagnosis - she is a specialist BC Counsellor and she gives an honest account of her own reactions to her diagnosis, surgery & treatment - she was surprised that her reaction to the diagnosis was different to what she'd 'thought' it would be, given her interaction with so many other women previously diagnosed, who she'd counseled .... She chose to have a double mastectomy & remained flat.  She is very easy to listen to and has had some of the same reactions to the diagnosis & treatments, that we've all had xx

    Where abouts are you?  State/Region/town?  You can add that to your profile & members may be able to point you to specific support groups or facilities in your area.

    You'll have had your Scans & seen your Med Onc by now - and seeing the Surgeon today - so will have a bit of a 'game plan' in place soon.

    I hope you are going OK and have lots of support both at home & work, but particularly at your appointments, with a trusted friend or family member sitting in with you xx. An extra set of ears is invaluable, as it is easy to 'miss bits' .... I also recorded all my early meetings with all my Team on my phone - so I could go back over it later at home xx. I hope some of your family from overseas may be able to keep in touch via zoom or Messenger video, and possibly come & visit when you are well enough.

    Have you been assigned a Breast Care Nurse yet?  They will be an invaluable source of information & support for you too xx. You can also chat with our Helpline team here too, if you have any queries 1800 500 258 (business hours.) 

    Jump onto this thread to read up a bit on the forum - there is lots of info there to help you along the way - even some 'tick sheets' down the bottom, to self assess/check how you are going both mentally and physically xx

    Wishing you all the best as you move forward xx