Chemo tips / hacks?

susie55 Member Posts: 9
edited October 2024 in Newly diagnosed
Hi, lovely ladies
is update from me 
I done my pet scan and have good results and 
I got a call from my day oncologist today and they already set my treatment dates.
Starting next week with paclitaxel weekly for 12 around and carboplatin. Pertuzumab,trastuzumab three weekly so 4 round 
Is there anything I have to bring during the chemo?

And do any of you have or had any similar treatment like mine ? I’m her2 positive 

Any tips or hacks for the chemo side effect?
I’m very nervous and have no idea of what to expect so any guidance is appreciated


  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Unfortunately it’s hard to tell how you will react to chemo until you start - but the first couple of weeks will usually establish a pattern, which can help you plan a bit. Not everyone gets bad side effects so fingers crossed. Paclitaxel can trigger peripheral
    neuropathy so keep your oncologist advised of any tingling or pins and needles in hands and feet. Some day oncology centres offer ice treatment to combat this side effect. Best wishes for your treatment. 
  • unicorn3
    unicorn3 Member Posts: 32
    edited October 2024
    I had all the same chemo and others as you except the carboplatin.  I had 12 weeks paclictaxel, 4 rounds of ac chemo I forget the actual names and also the herceptin/perjeta combo of which I have two more to go. I’m also her2
    Theres a thread on here struggling through chemo which has a few of us who have completed recently and has lots of info
    I had very little trouble with the palcitaxel and herceptin/perjeta but the ac knocked me around a bit not nauseous but just generally tired and not feeling great.   Everyone reacts differently so until you start you really won’t know
    my chemo was in a private hospital and everything was provided including food if I felt like it, which I often didn’t but you would need to check with your individual centre to see what’s available
    Happy to answer any questions you may have at any time
    best of luck 

  • Suki
    Suki Member Posts: 56
    Hi @susie55

    I had a slightly different chemo regimen of TCHP for Triple Positive, but it included the Trastuzumab and Pertuzumab.  They gave me diarrhea which is a known side effect, so I recommend starting on Metamucil now (with your oncologist's blessing) and having Gastro Stop on hand just in case.

    Make sure you still drink water and eat bananas, white bread, rice etc if you do get diarrhea.

    All the best and let us know how you get on.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    Hi @susie55 I had the AC followed by the paclitaxol and Tratstuzumab and Pertuzumab. I had the opposite to @Suki so perhaps wait until you have your first treatment so that you have a better idea of what you are dealing with. We are all so different with our reactions/side effects. Take along something to keep yourself occupied as it can get boring. If you take a book, make sure it isn't too involved as you may not be able to concentrate on it. I always took my crossword and ipad games. Some people prefer to listen to music and sleep. Make treatment time about you and do what you want.
  • susie55
    susie55 Member Posts: 9
    is cold sock or cold glove will help with neuropathy?
  • susie55
    susie55 Member Posts: 9
    Hi unicorn 
    my first treatment will be at private hospital 
    and the rest will be at Austin public hospital 
    I have to pay out of pocket $6000 for parjeta and $700 for the treatment 
    You think with all treatment you be able to go out or working ? 
    And thank you I might need few information I bit nervous for nextweek 
    I think I also have MRI and clip inserted following day 
  • susie55
    susie55 Member Posts: 9
    do you take any food supplements or some herbal to help you out with treatment effek 
  • susie55
    susie55 Member Posts: 9
    yes I have few colouring book and some movie to watch at my iPad 
    12 weeks of chemo sound much 
    I thought I’ll have every 3 weeks for 6 round 
    but they give me that treatment 
    my oncologist team think this the best for my her2 positive 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    I can’t give you any first hand advice about ice treatment for neuropathy. When I was being treated 12 years ago, it wasn’t being offered. Some people swear it’s saved most of their hair, some can’t stand it (the chill factor can be quite extreme). If I were doing it again, I might give it a shot. To some extent it depends on how important saving most of your hair is to you, and whether your oncology clinic offers the treatment. 

    I didn’t like losing my hair, but it wasn’t traumatic, I wore a wig which looked great. 

    Best wishes. 
  • unicorn3
    unicorn3 Member Posts: 32
    Hi Susie
    I did the 12 weeks first also which they also thought would be good for my stage3 her2.  I had a pet scan around 10 weeks and all the cancer was gone in the scan. 
    I did continue to go out and take the kids to school throughout all my chemo when I felt up to it, lots of hand sanitiser and getting to the shops early when it was quiet, I didn’t get sick once. 
    I did get diarrhoea too which I just used Imodium for and small bland meals
    Having it every week was hard but I soon got into a routine and it was manageable 
    I work from home so I continued to do that with the odd lunchtime nap here and there 

  • susie55
    susie55 Member Posts: 9
    do you used port chemo ?
    I have pretty good veins and I’m still debating about inserting port or not 
    I bit worry for infection and the other 
    but also Iam not to good with needle 😬
    and Do you take any food supplement or herbal during chemo to help you out ?
    thank you for answering all my questions 
    Iam very appreciated 
  • unicorn3
    unicorn3 Member Posts: 32
    Hi Susie
    yes I had a port put in, they couldn’t do it straight away so had to have a few chemo in veins and it did ruin my veins which were previously good.  I can only use veins in one arm now too due to mastectomy and lymph node removal so definitely recommend the port. 
    I stayed away from all herbal remedies as so as not to interfere with the chemo drugs ect

    coffee is my friend and having 3 kids keeps me busy so I don’t have time to think about how tired I am 
  • Suki
    Suki Member Posts: 56
    Hi Susie

    I didn't take any herbal supplements. 

    You should always check with your oncologist before taking anything, as even seemingly benign items might interfere with the chemo or increase side effects etc.