Bundy Pam's Experience
Hi Everyone, So here is my story, summarised as much as possible. Im 7 months pregnant and find a lump, Do US Dr tells me its an abscess, I request fna even though the Dr said its not needed and 1 week later I am advised by a completely distraut Dr that I have Breast Cancer. I then go on to meet a wonderful team of Drs who…
Bundy Pams Experience
Hi Everyone, So here is my story, summarised as much as possible. Im 7 months pregnant and find a lump, Do US Dr tells me its an abscess, I request fna even though the Dr said its not needed and 1 week later I am advised by a completely distraut Dr that I have Breast Cancer. I then go on to meet a wonderful team of Drs who…
Glad this group exists
I've always had an issue with anxiety but managed it ok until my diagnosis in November 2014. Needless to say, the diagnosis sent me into a tailspin that landed me in the emergency department of my local hospital just days after my first chemo treatment. I've just had my 5th chemo treatment and am managing much better but I…
Struggling with work!
Hi All I haven't blogged for a while. I've been busy trying to get my life back on track after finishing my treatment in September 2014. I have just started back at work a week ago and feeling so overwelmed with the workload. I work by myself in a school library and there is so much to do especially at the beginning of the…
Long term abilities after implants
Hi all I had exchange to implants 9 weeks ago and I'm interested in joining a dragon boat team. Wondering whether anyone with implants is in a dragon boat team. My plastic surgeon said I should never specifically exercise my pecs, for ever more! That's because the muscles have been lifted from the chest wall and the…
finished AC, just starting taxol
I have just had my first dose of Taxol and am nervous how it will go. I have 11 doses to get through and would appreciate a little encouragement of how to manage this best. I am nearly two hours away from my treatment hospital so sometimes feel a bit isolated. I look forward to any thoughts, thanks Chrisbeachside
Anxiety and depression
Hi Kathleen, I think it's a great idea to start up this blog about anxiety and depression - as it certainly needs to be addressed. I myself suffer from panic attacks and I have a couple of people tell me "to just get over I". I wish it was that simple. I find that when I am tired I am worse. Good on you for starting on…
Building muscle
Hi Everyone, As some of you know I am currently training for a Charity Challenge and as part of this I am spending more time exercising and trying to build muscle. I have had assistance from a physio as to how to do this progressively without straining or hurting myself. As the Challenge involves walking up very steep…
Mild anxiety
I went to see councillor to see how i am trveling with everything, she told me i hve mild anxiety which i guess doesn't surprise me. I am finding that as the days go by i am retreating into my shell and not wanting to go out. I have had two surgeries for a lump and clearing of a margin, all good news which makes me more…
Weight Loss
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if any of you ladies had the same 'problem' as I am having. Before I start let me tell you I am 5'6 and weigh 88 kilos. I am a pretty standard size 14.I am not tiny, but I excercise most days and I did consider myself healthy. A little chubby maybe. When I went for my chemotherapy education,…
Getting your confidence back
Hi everyone Being diagnosed with cancer was probably the biggest blow to my self-confidence that I've ever had. To lose that feeling of security that you have about your health, not to mention all the physical changes that surgery and treatment bring. It is a real struggle to hang onto your identity, the ideas you had…
Femara and weight loss
Hey my luvlies I have a question?? Is there anyone out there who has been on Femara and been able to lose weight? If so I would love for you to share you wisdom of how you managed to do this. Thanks in advance. Luv today, tomorrow and always, Mich xoxoxoxoxoxo
Arm recovery help!
I am now almost a year after radiation and on Lyrica for nerve pain and was wondering how others cope with this pain and just how long before the pain goes away. Also I have tried stretching etc. but find that it all just aggreviates the pain . I wake with stiffness which I can deal with but then that stiffness turns into…
Health and wellbeing
We all know that healthy eating combined with regular exercise can improve our overall health and wellbeing, so we wanted to open up a discussion about it! * Introduce yourself and give us a little insight into your health and wellbeing and the goals you have set. * Share some tips for combating fatigue * What music keeps…
My Pink Wig
Its been about six months since my last round of chemo. Like many, the idea of losing my hair almost seemed harder to face than losing my breast even though it grows back. (The hair that is!) For me, the worst thing about losing my hair was how public it made my illness. Mainly I just wanted to get on with the treatment…