Roller coaster Ride
I found a Lump in my left breast in early Feb. had a precautionary ultrasound, which led to a mammogram and biopsy. Which resulted in a diagnosis of Early Breast Cancer. Have seen specialist and had lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. I have since been told I have triple negative breast cancer. Saw oncologist today and…
Sore Feet
Tomorrow I start my 6th cycle of Capecitabine tablets (Xeloda)..During the last few cycles I developed Foot & Hand syndrome. My feet became sore in March and have since blistered and started peeling. I am using MooGoo creams to keep the skin hydrated. Pain usually hits around day 7-10 of my 14 day on & 7 days off cycles.…
Sharing the good stuff!
Hello everyone, I just checked out the BOM forecast and it hit me like a tonne of bricks, winter really has set in. I am normally pretty consistent with keeping active and eating well but this week has been an absolute write-off. My body has been calling for two things, extra sleep and to eat my body weight in carbs. I am…
Anyone tried Zentangle? AKA fancy name for doodling
Hey crafty peoples We have quite a few crafty people in the BCNA office and earlier this year I was introduced to Zentangle by Simonne, one of our amazing Member Services team who answer the phones and respond to countless emails from women newly diagnosed with breast cancer. Wondering if anyone else has heard of…
Really living again!
It can be really hard to get your confidence back after treatment. So hard to not be constantly scared of recurrence, of getting out in the world again and so hard to know what the new you really wants after BC. I had a hard time around Christmas when I realised that a whole year had passed since I finished treatment and I…
Beaded Lip Balm Cover
Hi Everyone, I have finished beading a Nivia Lip Balm Cover. When you get a new lip balm you take the whole lid off (the bead is attached) and replace the lid of your new lip balm. Quite happy with the way it has come out. What do you think? Cheers, Christina
the last 12 months
Hi Rowdy, Like you the last 12 months have been pretty horrific, like you i also lost my beautiful father, he went in 5 months from diagnosis to death and I spent the last 14 days with him in the hospice, I lost my mother to non hodgkins lymphoma, then my father to methosilioma and I have advanced breast cancer with…
to reconstruct or not
Hello. I had a rb mastectomy March last year and am fast approaching a reconstruction followed by a reduction of remaining breast 3 months later. I just can;t decide what to do. Cons of op are 2 major ops, I'm nearly 60yo. Cost of reduction, i'm public and worried I'll look like 'mutton dressed as lamb'! Any advice or…
Pregnant at 45 with long-awaited child & then diagnosed with cancer
After trying to start a family for more than 8 years, I was extraordinarily lucky and blessed to conceive at the age of 45 through the generosity of an egg donor and the use of IVF. My husband and I were overjoyed and thrilled to share our baby news as a Christmas gift to our friends and family in December 2014.…
Hi, I have just joined this group. I finished my treatment chemo and radiation by mid September (now on tamoxifen) But now I find I am more anxious than I ever was during the treatment! Small things worry me, things that would usually never bother me. I have had a couple of dreams where I have been re diagnosed with…
2015 BCNA National Summit
Yay! I am so excited as I have been accepted to attend it in Melbourne. It will been great to catch up with all of you who also has been lucky to have been accepted. I so look forward to learning more about the BCNA and to be able to forward it onto the community! Cheers Michelle :)
In denial
Hi ladies, I joined this group quite some time ago and have been reading the posts but not blogging myself. If I'm really honest, I have been in denial. I am nearly 12 months post treatment, I take Arimidex daily. My sex drive is nil, zero, zilch, nada. My loving partner has been so patient and understanding and he…
The beyondblue National Roadshow
Hello, Some of you may have heard about or even seen the beyondblue bus touring around your local area on their National Roadshow. I just wanted to let you know that the roadshow is now currently touring around Victoria until May 2015. The Roadshow provides a chance for people to pick up free beyondblue information…
Just getting up
Somedays my boys it's hard to get up. It's just hard to get up and out of bed. I'm slowing weaning myself off of the steroids I have been on for pain relief. I am switching it up a little and giving this body (and swollen face) a break, but the process is draining, and sleep inducing (hello sleeping until noon everyday!)…
Meeting babies
Hi everyone. I'm just laying here late tonight thinking about what a shitty run we've all had. Life wasn't meant to be like this and I still have many miserable days just thinking about the life challenges I have had to face in the last nearly two years. On the upside, I have many beautiful shining days too looking at my…