Anyone tried Zentangle? AKA fancy name for doodling

Hey crafty peoples
We have quite a few crafty people in the BCNA office and earlier this year I was introduced to Zentangle by Simonne, one of our amazing Member Services team who answer the phones and respond to countless emails from women newly diagnosed with breast cancer.
Wondering if anyone else has heard of Zentangle. I got my nieces into it as it's pretty much a fancy name for doodling but in a more structured way, and the results are pretty cool. Even better, it's an amazingly meditative process too. Great if you need to quieten the traffic in your head. Here is one of my creative doodle results.
Hi Janelle
I'm excited, can't wait to try one! Thanks for sharing - I love yours and do I detect a hidden Easter egg? I used to spend hours doing this when I was younger back in the 60's, with a "Flower Power" theme! Vicki x
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I always been a bit of a doodler, but not to this extent. It looks fabulous. It is well worth checking out zentangle on pinterest too. I should try this on chemo day, my anxiety levels get pretty high, this may well help. Thank you Janelle
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WOW Janelle
Who could imagine doodling (Zentangle) could lead to this.
It sounds like a great activity to quiet your mind. Like Vicki said we used to do this when we were kids. Back when our minds weren't quite so full of .............. Great idea to get teachers doing this with their creative students in school.
I need to learn to sit still long enough and keep my mind thought free long enough to do this so there is a new challenge for me.
Luv always, Mich xoxooxox
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The Easter egg is completely subliminal! I had another go over Easter and created some pretty zany results. The best part is there are no rules. That's my kind of activity0
Yeah, google image search zentangle and you get all sorts of amazing results. Some people take this super seriously. Me, I like to just let my mind go and my pen wander0
Anything that accesses that carefree child within has got to be good for the soul! And actually the process of doodling like this helps to keep you in one place0
Wow Jeanelle, that's amazing :-) very abstract!
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Wow! that's so amazing :-) very abstract!
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Hi Janelle,
I have tried zen tangling but have not, so far , managed anything near as intricate as your beautiful work. I found it quite an engaging activity but one that I was not actually patient enough with. Must try again.
I wonder if anyone has tried colouring in recently. I did this not so long ago
while in hospital for a non cancer related issue and found it very absorbing and calming. Also I did not have to think which was a major bonus at the time.
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Wow, how cool is that.
I like this idea, I always doodle in meetings but not with this level of creativity. But those days when we are waiting for appointments etc this would be awesome.
Cheers Christina
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Hi Janelle
My first Zentangle - it was so much fun, I really enjoyed the process and will keep doing them for relaxation. Thanks again for the inspiration!