Pregnant at 45 with long-awaited child & then diagnosed with cancer

After trying to start a family for more than 8 years, I was extraordinarily lucky and blessed to conceive at the age of 45 through the generosity of an egg donor and the use of IVF. My husband and I were overjoyed and thrilled to share our baby news as a Christmas gift to our friends and family in December 2014.
Unfortunately, two weeks later we had to inform everyone that I had found a lump in my breast. I proceeded to have lumpectomy in mid January 2015 and was diagnosed with invasive ductul carcinoma grade 3. I started chemo not long after and am soon to finish the first round of treament in order to deliver my baby in early June. Overall, my pregnancy has progressed well and the chemo hasn't been as horrible as I expected (though the loss of my hair has made the whole thing very real for me).
After the baby is born I will continue with treatment (possibly 3 more months of chemo, and definitely 2 months of radio therapy, followed by 5+years of hormone therapy).
I am extremely thrilled about becoming a mom, but I do struggle with occasional anxiety about undergoing treatment at the same time as trying to take care of a newborn (family support will be minimal as they live far away), the possibility of recurrence or secondary breast cancer, and the chance of my not being around to see my child grow up.
Putting these worries to the side and my concerns for the health of the baby as I undergo chemo, I am truly fortunate that my cancer was discovered after I got pregnant or I probably would never have been able to have a baby. Dumb luck I guess, but luck all the same, and I'll take that!