the last 12 months

Hi Rowdy,
Like you the last 12 months have been pretty horrific, like you i also lost my beautiful father, he went in 5 months from diagnosis to death and I spent the last 14 days with him in the hospice, I lost my mother to non hodgkins lymphoma, then my father to methosilioma and I have advanced breast cancer with secondaries in my liver and spine, not a bad family history! Its okay to have a vent, especially as his passing was so sudden and of course you are dealing with your own health issues, we do wonder sometimes dont we, what did we do to deserve all of this in one lifetime, but there is no answer, we just have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and soldier on, my sincere sympathies on the loss of your dear father,it will be 12 months on May 6th for my own dad and it hasnt got any easier, please be kind to yourself, and take some time out just to be -
I read this in a book of words on life -
Courage isnt having the strength to go on - it is going on when you dont have the strength -
Napoleon Bonaparte
Dear Wendy thank you somuch for you kind thoughts. Sometimes it just feels that it is only happenning to me. Thank you for reminding me I'm not the only one having a bad one time.
The quote is very true, one day at a time and one foot n front of the other. Take care of yourself and I hope you are well