Sore Feet

Tomorrow I start my 6th cycle of Capecitabine tablets (Xeloda)..During the last few cycles I developed Foot & Hand syndrome. My feet became sore in March and have since blistered and started peeling. I am using MooGoo creams to keep the skin hydrated. Pain usually hits around day 7-10 of my 14 day on & 7 days off cycles. Footwear is becoming a problem, especially with winter fast approaching. Walking or standing for long periods makes for painful burning feet, which also makes the skin break down further. Wearing shoes with socks doesn't help the situation either. I am finding it difficult to find footwear which is both comfortable and practical in helping relieve my feet.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what footwear is best. I work in an office setting which does not have a strict dress code, and concessions are made for me to the point where I can wear slippers or even thongs when necessary.