Severe shoulder pain after mastectomy
I'm 17 days on from mastectomy/ expander insertion on left, and excision of papillomas on right. After the lovely drugs of the first couple of days wore off, I've had constant and severe shoulder and shoulder-blade pain (left side). Has anyone else had this?
Going Smaller
Due to surgical butchery in 1976 and again ten years later, the right side of my abdomen is now compromised when I find myself needing a breast reconstruction (DIEP). My plastic surgeon says it can be done but I will have to go small. Before kids I was a D cup, now I am an E. The surgeon says he can do a small B. I am…
Is it possible for a 16-year-old to get breast cancer?
I'm 16 and have a family history of breast cancer. My mother carried both the BRCA 1 & 2 genes (and was diagnosed during her mid-thirties) from my nan, who had breast cancer three times. I've been checking my breasts regularly from the age of 13 (at my pop's suggestion), and have recently noticed a small lump underneath my…
1/3/18 Kate001's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Massive Happy Birthday wish to you Kate @Kate001 for your birthday today!!!! Yayyyyyyyyyyy!!! Wishing you contentment, enveloping happiness, an abundance of love, side splitting laughter, excitement, sense tingling anticipation and ridiculously indulgent cake!! Hope your day is magnificent. Xx Cath
Stranger reactions and losing one's temper!
Had a new thing happen today. I woman I'd met only once before two weeks ago, and only to say hello, asked me how I was going (Chemo 3, death warmed up). I answered 'not awesome' and she said, grinning from ear to ear, 'been there' and without pausing asked me if I had any lymph node involvement. Something just snapped…
Interstate Travel Insurance.
Hi Ladies I just thought I would share some information I found out this week. My husband and I booked flights to go to see some friends in Canberra at the end of the month. Well the other day I had a mini panic attack. I have an appointment booked with my Specialist on the 28th March and have to have a Ultra Sound the…
Where is that positive switch?
Stage 2a BC no node involvement, clear margins. HER- negative but hormone positive. Had a lumpectomy, 4 rounds of Chemo on Tamoxifen and decided to have a bi lateral mastectomy booked for 27th Oct so no rads needed. 44 years old and 3 little girls. So really that sounds all pretty good news so why the heck can I not find…
23/2/18 LITHGOW1950's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish. to you Anne-Marie @LITHGOW1950 on your birthday today!! Wishing you bliss, contentment, excitement, anticipation, surrounding beauty, love, laughter and cake. Hope your day is spectacularly wonderful. Xx Cath
27/2/18 Kayvie's Birthday Today!!!!
Sending a HUGE Happy Birthday wish to you @kayvie on your birthday today!!! The birthday faerie asked me to wish for you all encompassing love, gales of laughter, excitement, anticipation, total contentment and the makings of beautiful memories that will stay with you for a lifetime of happiness. Hope your day is…
BCNA Online Network - Question
Hi BCNA - can anyone tell many how many (approx) online members we have? Thanks
dry hands and feet
Hi Ladies......wondering if anyone can recommend a really good moisturiser for dry hands and feet. I am on Caelyx chemo at the moment but have been on numerous ones before that. I had hand and foot syndrome before and my oncologist took me off my meds to clear that but now my hands and feet are just really dry. I'm using…
Breast augmentation after cancer??
Hi ladies, So I'm 34 on Fri and halfway through neo-adjuvant chemo for triple negative BC. My genetic testing results came back this week negative for braca1 and braca2, so it has been decided I'll have a lumpectomy in April followed by rads, then hopefully this will be behind me. My question is, I've always wanted a…
Let’s move on and remember why we are here
hi there everyone. Firstly thanks to all of you so much for all your support I have mentioned this in my other comments so won’t rave on too much about it here. I would like to now move on as I have resolved the issues I caused with those involved and would just love to start fresh with positivity. It’s pretty obvious now…
Field of Women 2018
who is attending and from where?
Exercises for patients that have not had a mastectomy or reconstructive surgery
This was the sheet the physio gave me the day after surgery and I kept these up for 6 weeks. BUT I should have kept them up for longer as at about the 9 month mark I noticed this weird "CORDING" as I learned from Dr Google. Since diagnosis of lymphodema I now have to lie down and elevate my arm for 20 mins twice a day - at…