Severe shoulder pain after mastectomy

Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
I'm 17 days on from mastectomy/ expander insertion on left, and excision of papillomas on right. After the lovely drugs of the first couple of days wore off, I've had constant and severe shoulder and shoulder-blade pain (left side). Has anyone else had this?


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Can you help with this ? 
    @Flaneuse have you joined the Breast Reconstruction group ? 

  • Molly001
    Molly001 Member Posts: 419
    I had a right mastectomy no recon. I had some shoulder pain after surgery that I found to be caused by the way I was sleeping. Once I could comfortably sleep on my right/tummy it was like heaven and releif was immediate. Unfortunately the pain came back tenfold with radiotherapy to the point my radio oncologist sent me for exrays, which found nothing much. It only lasted a few days but was excruciating in my collar bone area. Hope it goes soon.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    The stretch of your pec muscles also pulls across your back. Keep doing the exercises given and keep up regular pain relief. I was expanded quickly (3/4 at time of surgery ) I needed panadol osteo 8 hourly and tramadol (I couldn't take endone) mine was uncomfortable for 5 weeks. I used lots if pillows to get me slightly tilted so iff my back. If worried talk with your hreast care nurse. I got additional pain relief from my GP. 
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Mollygirl Thank you for your comments. @primek @SoldierCrab Thank you for your experiences and for the information. I've been trying to cut down on pain relief but I think I need to stop trying to be brave.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I didn't have any expanders but stil got told to stop being brave by the surgeon - if you need it, take it.  We'll talk about it afterwards.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Sister Thank you. I'm heading off to two appointments today - one of which is with the oncologist to plan chemo etc. - and I have just taken a Targin and packed some Endone in my handbag!