16/03/18 Chanel67's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a HUGE Happy Birthday wish to you @chanel67 for your birthday today!! Wishing you love, laughter, happiness, frivolity, excitement, beauty, and the necessity of life - Cake!!. Hope your day is breathtakingly wonderful. Xx Cath
This might seem silly.
Hi ladies. This might seem daft but it has been on my mind for quite some time. I was chatting to my daughter this morning and we were talking about something that happened last year and I said when I was sick. Then I said I wasn't really sick. So I was just wondering how do you lovely ladies refer to yourself after you…
Feelings...nothing more than Feelings...
Hi everyone - this might sound like a really weird question - I'm getting ready for my double mastectomy and I suddenly started to wonder about 'feelings' and 'sensations' and realised I have no idea what it will be like! Will my chest be completely numb? I'm getting a skin sparing DMX and going into air expanders - but…
15/3/18 Ren153's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a Huge Happy Birthday wish to you @Ren153 in your birthday today!!! Wishing you love, laughter, contentment, happiness, confidence, beauty and the ever seductive cake!!!! Hope your day is magnificent!!! Xx Cath
Chemo starting
Hi All Turns out chemo is strongly recommended for me.. 8 weeks of AC (once a fortnight) followed by 12 weeks of pac/ peg (?) once a week. Likely to start the week after next. Has anyone else had this regime and how did you go? Obviously everyone is different, but if there is any advice/ things I should ask before I start…
Did anyone have AC and be fine? I had side effects the first day, really sick and neausea but then last few days have been good ( better than I thought-functional I’d probably say as a better word) apart from a shocking tension headache and slight fatigue but I’m just thinking this is only day 5 of a long road! Everyone…
Temporary hair loss but not forever alopecia
Hi Ladies, I’ve just caught up with tonight’s Married at First Sight episode. There is a lady on there called Gabrielle who just had tell her “husband” that her beautiful hair that he likes is actually a wig as she has alopecia. My heart sank when she told him the truth as as she didn’t know how he would react. As a single…
Using what you have learned
Having cancer is a life changing experience. On many levels. Many of us crawl out of the mud missing bits and pieces, gasping for breath and fuming because the system can seem indifferent to our needs, inadequate and ill informed. Once you've been through this you become an expert in your own experience and gain often…
New look
I thought i wasn't a wig person but now I've changed my mind i just bought this one online, the wig shop had nothing i tried one on and my 3yr went ha grandma and he doesn't even have a grandma, i don't really wear it home but at least if i go out i can feel pretty again ,like my husband owes me dinner he's away for our…
Finished chemo today, yahoo!
BCNA klaxon please! So…. as everyone says here, and it’s hard to believe at times, you do get through chemo. Today I rang the bell, yay! I got to the end of 3 months x 3 weekly AC and 12 x weekly Taxol) and very happy to see the end of it. Apart from celebrating I wanted to thank everybody involved with this forum,…
8/3/18 Cowgirl1's Birthday Today!!!
Sending a HUGE Happy Birthday wish to you @Cowgirl1 on your birthday today!!!! Wishing you laughter, encompassing love, excitement, happiness, anticipation, glorious cake and total contentment. Hope your day is overflowing with all things that are exceptionally fantastic!! Xx Cath
Reconstruction surgery
Hi Ladies, Anyone able to recommend a surgeon who specializes in breast reconstruction I live in Brisbane's northern suburbs and will be paying for treatment myself I have no health insurance & have had my mastectomy in a public hospital I am on waiting list @ public hospital but have no idea how long i will have to wait…
Anyone like a wig and some chemo caps?
Just wondering if anyone would like a synthetic wig. It's a brunette, shoulder length bob with a reddish highlight. It cost $450, which was paid for me by a charity, and I only wore it twice as I didn't like it. Wigs weren't my thing. I felt weird in it. Just want to 'pay it forward' to someone that can use it. I also have…
Thought I'd share this article by NBCF...
Hi All, I saw this Article by NBCF and thought it was interesting, how fantastic would it be to develop a blood test instead of tissue biopsies for detection!!! https://nbcf.org.au/news/research-news/simple-blood-test-offers-major-step-early-detection-eight-common-cancers/ Hugs Melinda xo
Way to close to home
I took Nat to our favourite GP today she found another lump Bugga!! while waiting a young lad had a fit in the waiting room. so while I helped fix him (my uncle suffered awful epileptic seizures) and call for help it reminded me that there are people worse off.. our lovely doc heard me call for help (yep I may have yelled…