Chemo starting

Lemonade Member Posts: 23
Hi All

Turns out chemo is strongly recommended for me..

8 weeks of AC (once a fortnight) followed by 12 weeks of pac/ peg (?) once a week. Likely to start the week after next.

Has anyone else had this regime and how did you go? Obviously everyone is different,  but if there is any advice/ things I should ask before I start it would be useful to know. Also nurse said I can do first dose without a port.. as port appts are booked up for the next 2 weeks or so.. but not sure if this is the best idea. She seemed to think it isn’t a problem but then she isn’t the one who has to do it and is also the one who said to me “so I heard you’re happy to do chemo”... er “happy?????” I know it’s a job for them but ffs no I am not happy. I have been strongly recommended to do it so I will. But there is no way I can ever bring myself to be happy about it!


  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I'm having a different chemo so can't assist you on that front. But I wanted to say the words the medicos use sometimes drives me crazy too. What really gets me is how they say hi-how-are-you as a standard greeting. Normally I'd say good thanks or somesuch but I just can't do that now! In the weeks following my diagnosis I either ignored it or just said 'yes' (like Doc Martin!l. Now I gesture at my bald head and say 'you know'. I wish they'd school themselves to say good morning and leave it at that. Hurrumph!

    Good luck with your treatment. Lots of fabulous women here to help & support you.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Having similar - 4 AC 3 weekly followed by 14 paclytaxol weekly - port was put in prior (had no problem getting it down in but had an issue with first use.  Seems to be fine now.
  • Gonski
    Gonski Member Posts: 8
    Welcome sista, I myself had TC CHEMO for 3 months with no port ( wasn't asked by ONC). If i had a choice I would have said yes please. The nurses had so many troubles finding a vein. Couldn't use right arm as had right HS mastectomy , sometimes it would take 4 attempts which is painful and heightens anxiety.
    Good luck x
  • Crusty
    Crusty Member Posts: 28
    Im on ac had to start without a port, and its in now and they used it the next day all good
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    I had similar regime but not dose dense. I had 2 rounds without my port so it can be done. The nurses were very good at finding  a vein. There are many side effects you can get but that doesn't mean you will. They will go through them with you. We will be here to give tips  on what helps as they pop up. Kath x
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Happy to do chemo??? I wonder if they realize how that actually sounds LOL!

     I had 4 x 3 weekly AC then 12 x weekly Paclitaxel.  I chose not to have a port for various reasons.  Had no issues and only the use of one arm.  Veins held up fine. A nurse gave me a good little trick to stop worrying about the cannulation.  Pinch your waist on the other side hard as they do it.  You'll forget all about it.

     I had minimal side effects for the first two AC. Number three and four were a little tougher.. 

     I found the Paclitaxel much easier to tolerate. There were some side effects but nothing that really slowed me down too much.  I was able to work and do all my usual stuff and drive myself there and back, There's a whole list of daunting side effects they will give you, but that doesn't mean you are going to get them.. 
    Keep in touch.  Everyone on here knows where you're at and are happy to help.

  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
     Hi there @Lemonade I had triple neg bc and had 4 AC fortnighly then 4 taxol fortnightly so a bit different to you I had a port in the whole time but it can be doable without depending on your veins @Salpal is currently doing taxol now weekly with no issues so you could PM her too if you wanted. And like @kezmusc  said they give you a list of side effects but it doesn’t mean you will get all of them. My breast care nurse was just bloody awful and scared the shit out of me so much I almost didn’t have chemo but It was a bit shitty for me but doable does thst mske sense. It was worse for my hubby and kids they hated watching me go through it. There will be plenty of advice on here for you and plenty of support. Biggest hug. Margie. Xx
  • Salpal
    Salpal Member Posts: 43
    Hi @Lemonade, l had AC 3 weekly and have my 3rd of 12 weekly Taxol today. l opted to not have a port or picc line and my veins are doing ok (all being done in left arm due to node removal) also includes Weekly blood tests. The chemo nurses leave the vein in inner elbow for blood tests and they alternate between 3 veins/spots for chemo iv with no issues.
    Hope this helps you with your decision
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    I had 4 doses of A/C three weekly and then 12 weekly of taxol and herceptin - the herceptin went on for another 9 months. I didn't have a port and even though my left arm retired injured partway through             ( lymphoedema) my recalcitrant veins managed in spite of an awful lot of blood tests - I needed warfarin for a while which required 3 or 4 blood tests a week for a short time! I was never too scared of needles, so that wan't an issue. Do whatever seems easier and best for you! 
  • Lemonade
    Lemonade Member Posts: 23
    Thanks ladies... the chemo info session scared the bejesus out of me, sometimes there is such a thing as too much info. Port goes in next Wednesday (I had my heart scan this week and took them 3 goes to find a vein and then when they finally took the cannula out and told me I could go I walked off down the hall and started leaking blood everywhere) so I think a port is a better option...hoping like you @kezmusc that I will be able to work from home for at least some of the AC as it is a great distraction and is better than Netflix or rattling around the house.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Something is better than Netflix??!!!