Using what you have learned

Having cancer is a life changing experience. On many levels. Many of us crawl out of the mud missing bits and pieces, gasping for breath and fuming because the system can seem indifferent to our needs, inadequate and ill informed.
Once you've been through this you become an expert in your own experience and gain often unwanted insights into what is wrong with our health services.
Many years ago, when experiencing BC Version 1, I was fortunate to be introduced to the concept of consumer advocacy. Since then I have sat on many committees and been part of advisory groups. I still work for Cancer Australia and will get involved in a bit of lobbying and campaigning on occasions.
This is a link to a new initiative by an organisation called Health Issues Centre. I've been involved with them for many years and helped them develop some of their consumer training programs.
They are an RTO and do charge for some of their programs but they also serve as a conduit between health services that have an obligation to involve consumers in their planning and consultative processes and people who are interested in using their personal experiences to make a difference.
If you want to get on your soap box and get inside the building (where I believe we can do more good than waving placards outside) it might be worth you having a look at what they are doing and how you may be able to get involved.
PM me if you want to have a talk about the sort of things you might be expected to do as a consumer rep. It's fascinating stuff and there are training programs available through the Cancer Councils to give you a bit of a leg up if you are feeling your meeting and governance skills could do with a refresher.
Registered Training Organisation. HIC developed a nationally accredited consumer leadership course and delivers a variety of courses for consumer reps and health services.
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@kmakm, RTO stands for Registered Training Organisation - there is mor einformation about RTOs on this link -
Rosie0 -
Thank you @Zoffiel & @Rosie_BCNA. I am mid-treatment and not in a position to do this at the moment. However it does interest me (I come from a long line of vociferous Irish people who have no trouble raising their voices in protest!) and I'll look into it when I feel more able. I hope this is an ongoing opportunity.1
This sounds like a wonderful way to help improve things and I would be very interested in getting involved once all my treatment is over and I’ve had my holiday in October!
On another note, I have a conference in July for Radiation Therapists where I plan to present the things I’ve learnt from a patient perspective in a hope to help other RTs gain an understanding of the whole picture
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Hi @Eastmum, I'm pretty sure there would be. Try googling health care consumers nsw, or something similar. The ACT has HCCA, and offer training, so I'm sure NSW will have.
Just realised that I did a recent search looking for some other information
There you go
Hope that helps0