Interstate Travel Insurance.

Hi Ladies
I just thought I would share some information I found out this week.
My husband and I booked flights to go to see some friends in Canberra at the end of the month.
Well the other day I had a mini panic attack. I have an appointment booked with my Specialist on the 28th March and have to have a Ultra Sound the week before. This is my year Anniversary check up. And I had this thought what if the Ultra Sound finds something and he wants me to have tests and they can't wait a week.. I know ladies not a very positive thought. But it only lasted a few minutes.
So I made enquiries about Travel Insurance. And found out that CGU do a Cancellation Policy. I obviously didn't need all the other stuff I just need it to cover the air fares. I worked for a bank and we used to deal with CGU and I had extensive training on all aspects of Insurance so as to help our customers. (Well sell it to them really lol ) but I didn't know about Just a Cancellation Policy.
Later in the year we are going to Brisbane to see Celine Dion (tick that off my bucket list) and I shall be getting the Insurance again.
Hope this might help anyone else who is travelling interstate and was concerned about having to cancel.
Best regards to you all.
Jan. xxx