Starting a new job
Tomorrow I start a new job - one year ago I was still in hospital recovering from a bi-lateral mastectomy and TRAM reconstruction. I’m feeling a bit more apprehensive that I would normally at starting a new job – as this is the fourth since my diagnosis. The first job I was still on probation when diagnosed and had to…
Overseas Holiday with Breast Prothesis
Hi Everyone. I have had a bilateral mastectomy last July, opted for no reconstruction, therefore wear a prothesis. My hubby and I are going to Hawaii in March and then off to Europe in July. I was wondering if anyone has had a problem with airport security whilst wearing a prothesis. I have heard that American security is…
We're Heading South
We're Heading South Hi ladies, for our next get-together we're heading South! We'll be having dinner on Friday night 27 February at 7.00pm at Fasta Pasta 430 Brighton Road, Brighton 8377 1566 - The Halfway is next time. Why not come along and put faces to names? It's a great chance to meet others who truly understand what…
Wedding pic I am wearing the hat
Hello everyone The wedding was amasing and went ahead without a hitch. I would love to post a photo of my gorgerous daughter but do not have a clue how to. My Grandi was excellent and never put a foot wrong. I more of less have the hospital sorted and will be going up on Monday for a full day of pre admin, MRI and…
Hi all today is my birthday, this time last year I had no idea what a crap year I was going to have. I was diagnised mid Febuary and what followed was a difficult year, with chemo, mastectomy and reconstruction. I have only 4 more herceptin after Friday and will be having my first mamogram after treatment. My life has…
How far can I take this?
While I certainly wish that I had never had Breast Cancer, I have to say that it is because I did that I am now blessed with an amazing opportunity. All through treatment and recovery I have been determined to help myself cope and recover to the best of my ability. For the next 3 months I am going to be pushing to see just…
European Jewish ancestry & breast cancer
Saw a genetic counsellor today, found out that my maternal european jewish ancestors (from generations ago) may have something to do with my breast cancer. Apparently, they are called the Ashkenazi Jews and are more prone to a defect in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes. If they carry this defect, the risk of breast cancer is alot…
My father has stage 4 bc and while taking aromicen has been recommended to take everolimus but becuase he is male is unable to access this drug. Does anyone have any ideas how I can change this?? Has anyone been down this path? Thanks
Hello Sydney ladies! I have just moved to Sydney and about to begin new job. At the end of last year there was a mad rush to see my 2 specialists to get the ok to have my Infusion Port removed from chest. I was awake when they removed it, and it was pain free and fast. I also have the information in my envelope to give to…
Tassie women can help themselves and others
University of Tasmania and Menzies Institute for Medical Research are asking for volunteers for "FINDING WAYS TO REDUCE HEALTH BURDEN IN CANCER SURVIVORS" They are conducting a study on risk of patients treated with chemotherapy developing heart failure later in life. If you: a) have been diagnosed in the past with breast…
North/West Sydney
Just moved to Sydney to Rouse Hill and need a recommendation of what Dr to see if you could recommend a great GP I would appreciate it. I am also curious to see if there is any one else who has any information about menstruation experiences. I have been Cancer Clear for almost 2 years. I am having a period, at nearly 48…
Having a vent - sorry
I'm wild! So wild I could scream! I ordered an item for my husband as a present for his birthday last Wednesday. I was told they could get it in the next day and someone would ring to let me know. I rang on Friday and was told it would be in that afternoon and they would ring and let me know. I got my son to ring this…
What your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer
Hello Ladies Has anyone read this book and had a frank discussion with their mainstream specialists about the book. ? The book is by Dr John Lee, written some years ago now, and I have just obtained it via my local library. I am interested if this information changed your decisions and/or the course of your treatment/s ?…
I like the new normal
I was nervous about Christmas. Emotionally, physically and financially I was unsure how I was going to manage Christmas. Everything had changed. But it was wonderful. It was a wonderful day just being with people I care about. It was about just being together, not about presents or food or anything else. Just being…