Mindful in May 2015
Hello ladies, just sharing an upcoming health and wellbeing initiative. Join the 10 minute a day global mindfulness meditation challenge. Receive guided meditations and interviews with global experts. Get sponsored to bring clean water to those in need. http://www.mindfulinmay.org/ There are a few of us that'll be giving…
Happy Easter
Wishing you all a very happy Easter! I hope you find some restful times and manage to do at least one thing that makes you happy. I'm planning a little trip out of town to visit the family, this always make me happy and I think the fresh air will be just want it needed :-)
Triple Negative
Hi everyone I was diagnosed with this disease back in December and so far have not posted in this group but have read and re-read lots of the blogs.l thought it was time to share my story for others also battling this diagnosis as we are a minority out there! I had a 2.2 cm grade 3 aggressive invasive tumour in my left…
A visit to Mawson Lakes
We will be having a get-together Dinner at 7.00 PM, on 24th April at the Mawson Lakes Hotel, 10 Main Street Mawson Lakes. If you would like to join us please let us know, we would love to see you there!
turbans and wigs glamourous hairstyles
Hi everyone, have just found a fantastic website called glamoroushairstyles.com.au, I found it purely by chance and after looking at it sent an email to the owner, who had actually started the business after losing a friend to breast cancer, she is located on the Gold Coast and I sent her an email thanking her for the…
BCNA National Summit - applications close today!
Hello there everyone, I just wanted to let you know that applications for our National BCNA Summit close tomorrow! The theme of this summit is ‘Starting the conversation’ – a conversation about how we can develop stronger community networks and innovative programs to support a broad range of women through their breast…
Last knitting project as weather gets warmer
Hello crafty peoples! I thought I would share my final knitting project for the year as the weather gets warmer. I finally finished the baby blanket for my friend who is due to give birth this weekend! This one is made of cotton yarn and to make it extra thick I doubled up the yarn. I love the colours and most importantly…
Just finishing off a textile piece prototype in preparation for my Honours Degree which I start next year. Eventually the pieces will be from different women's' chemo scarves. I have started collecting them. It relates to the new research in nanotechnology which eventually will assist in early detection and individualised…
Flower paintings
Hi All, I just love this group and looking at all the amazing things everyone creates! I thought I might share some of the paintings that I have done too. I enjoy painting with water colour, especially painting flowers - which mostly become gifts for my Granny to display all over her house! :-) I would love to see what…
Winter knitting: Tea Cozy
Hi crafty ladies :-) Just wanted to share with everyone these wonderful knitted tea cosy's that were brought into the office. I would just love to be able to make something like this! (The cozy at the bottom is the one I got for my grannie who I am convinced thinks it’s a bennie!) xx Jess
Have you found your zen lately?
I hope you have all had a wonderful week. I just wanted to share the following clip with you all as I pull together the latest issue of the Active and Well e-newsletter about emotional wellbeing. Just checking in with you all to ask if you have found your Zen lately? Maybe this weekend is the perfect opportunity to take…
My Never ending story
Smelling the roses
Hi all, I hope you had a nice weekend no matter where you were in Australia or how you were feeling. My weekend turned out to be lovely - I think my husband knew I needed to take some time out for just me and when I got home there was a bunch of flowers.... with a note that said ‘Take time to smell the roses. xxx ’ - It…
Life insurance post cancer
Has anyone managed to get life insurance after cancer diagnosis? What companies offer this and how long after diagnosis do you have to wait?
Getting used to it:)
Ladieees!! Well my last post was a big whinge about the new look blog,so I thought I had better come back on here and acknowledge all the hard work that Jess,Daina and BCNA are so obviously doing at the moment.I also want to admit,that even after all my complaining,I am actually starting to get used to the new look blog!!…