Triple Negative

Hi everyone I was diagnosed with this disease back in December and so far have not posted in this group but have read and re-read lots of the blogs.l thought it was time to share my story for others also battling this diagnosis as we are a minority out there! I had a 2.2 cm grade 3 aggressive invasive tumour in my left breast. It also went into 3 nodes-stage 2.This was removed via a lumpectomy and then I commenced the 4 AC chemo and am now up to my 3rd taxol( 12 weekly) followed by radiation. The AC was very difficult - I ended up neutropenic and in hospital for a week and then 2 weeks later again with a secondary infection- pneumonia(PCP) very nasty, could hardly breathe and was in ICU for a couple of nights, but got through it and feel really good now. I have also had to have 2 blood transfusions as I was a bit anaemic-probably due to some of the meds I was getting to treat my pneumonia. Wow reading this it sounds really bad but- it really hasn't been. I got through each stage and took one day at a time. I also had faith in my Drs who were so pro-active and left nothing to chance.
I am now walking 5- 6 km each day, I have changed my diet to mostly organic where I can and mostly vegetarian but do include some eggs, fish and white meat very occasionally as I don't want to risk anaemia again! I know that each of us is dealing with our diagnosis in our own way. I also know that it helped me process my situation by reading about others experiences. I guess I really just wanted to let people know that even when things seem really difficult during treatment- you do and can get through it. For anyone having a more difficult time - I don't mean to minimise your experience at all. I just want to share mine.
Hi Lisa,
wow you have had a bit of a rough trot. Having said that you seem to be doing ok with it. I am a two time triple negative survivor. 51/2 years since first diagnosis and 4 years since recurrence. I got to do the dreaded chemo twice. I remember thinking how will I go through that again? You know what the alternative was not so attractive so I just put my head down and bum up and got on with it. It was very tough at times and I had some pretty bad days but here I am four years later just getting on with things. Thanks for sharing your story and I wish you all the best as you go through the rest of your treatment.
Paula x
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Thanks Paula
its also great to hear your story- getting on with it and dealing with s recurrence and 2 lots of chemo. That is truly inspiring for everyone dealing with this disease. It is amazing how resilient we are when we have no choice! Thanks for your best wishes and for responding to my blog