BCNA National Summit - applications close today!

Steph Fletcher
Steph Fletcher Member Posts: 109
edited April 2015 in Day to day

Hello there everyone,

I just wanted to let you know that applications for our National BCNA Summit close tomorrow! The theme of this summit is ‘Starting the conversation’ – a conversation about how we can develop stronger community networks and innovative programs to support a broad range of women through their breast cancer journey.

Summit delegates will attend a stream of workshops that will equip them to continue this important conversation and take on specific responsibilities in their community. Those interested in attending the summit will need to apply to their preferred workshop stream.

I wanted to flag this opportunity to apply as there are two streams in particular that might appeal to members of the 'Get Active and Keep Well group' -- Engaging online communities and Active and Well!

  • For more information, please email me Have a wonderful day ladies!

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