Why blog ? & an update
Since being diagnosed with breast cancer in November 2014 I have been generously contacted by so many family and friends with offers of love, help and support from around the world. Thank you to everyone who has reached out to me. Over the last 8-9 weeks I have received further diagnoses, had surgery and started…
Keeping in Touch With " Breast Friends "
At certain times of year I feel especially blessed. My birthday ( I've survived another year!), each Christmas ( catching up with family and friends) and when my swim kids are learning - having fun and succeeding! Keeping in touch with my " Breast Friends" is a precious blessing , too. I guess it's because we really listen…
Get moving in style!
Hi there everyone, I thought you might be interested to know that BCNA has launched a new Active merchandise range. You can find out more from Cara's blog post right here!
There is a new kid on the block, and we love her.
Celebrating the women who are doing their thing no matter how they do it, how they look or even how sweaty they get. They’re here to inspire us to wiggle, jiggle, move and prove that judgement is a barrier that can be overcome.#thisgirlcan Happy Monday everyone!
Keeping myself creative
Hi! I just put up on Ytube an old gig. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zNZRRukUA0&feature=youtu.be
Support in and around Forrestfield
Hi, I hope I'm doing this right! Diagnosed 4/11/13. Lumpectomy and node removal 13/11/13. - bus and walk to hospital. op was scheduled for avo and I didn't get in till 9pm!!! Was so dehydrated by then. Any how 4.5cm lump HER2 + 4/21 lymph nodes. 1 node x 2cm, 3 x 1cmGrossly affected, clumped together and in the lymph vasc…
Traditional Chinese Medicine
Last month I accompanied a group of Australian breast cancer clinicians and practitioners from the University of Western Sydney’s National Institute of Complementary Medicine to Beijing. This was part of a 'think tank' project which aims to establish what TCM can offer in the management of breast cancer. TCM is an ancient…
Wonderful day
Hi all, I've just had the most wonderful day yesterday. I just had to sprout about it to someone. It was my eldest sons 21st birthday yesterday ( that's him with me in my profile pic). Yet again I was worried as I'm trying to work plus getting over radio and chemo still. How was I going to manage. We woke him up at 6am…
Canberra Ladies
Hello Canberra Ladies, Someone told me that there is a really good store in Belconnen (I think) that sells beautiful headwear e.g. Scarves and turbans. I'm coming up to Canberra on Wednesday and would love to go to it. Can anyone please help me out by telling me the name and address? Thanks Kylie
Good morning and Happy New Year!
Hi there! Morning! I hope you have all had a wonderful time celebrating the festive season and welcoming in the new year. I just wanted to share this article from the New York Times, The Well Guide to Activity Trackers. This article features fitness gadgets currently on the market and how they rank and may help you with…
Do you want to change?
Hi everyone, Being diagnosed with BC can really make you think about your lifestyle. For me, I had just been on yet another health kick (unfortunately I usually slipped up after a few months and motivation was hard to maintain), but at least this put me in a better condition to start treatment! So, here I am 20 months post…
hello and happy new year!
Hi, I'm sharon and i was diagnosed with bc a couple of weeks ago. Which really stuffed my xmas break. Im currently on annual leave, and i wish i was at work. Its a bit of a waste of my leave and i'm not enjoying the break and i'll need the leave in a few weeks when i have my surgery. I'm still shell shocked but ready to…
Xmas memories
Xmas last year I had one chemo session left, so tiredness & no hair was where I was at. Having 2 children who still needed Santa to pop in on Xmas Eve, I waited until they were well asleep before quietly getting the hidden gifts from the top of the wardrobe & placing them under the Xmas tree. In our family, if you don't…
Now sitting down and relaxing after my herceptin treatment this morning, and a extra visit to the plastic surgeon. I have been thinking about my year and remembering the bad and good. 2015 is going to be better I have to think positive. Tomorrow I will spend the day with my family and enjoy the day. Merry Christmas to…
Merry Christmas
Just watched carols by candlelight which was so uplifting and I wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas regardless of where you're up to with your treatment. Hope for one day we can all be well enough to enjoy some Christmas cheer or food and friends and family. just because we deserve to. Love to all Nicole x