What your doctor may not tell you about breast cancer

Hello Ladies
Has anyone read this book and had a frank discussion with their mainstream specialists about the book. ?
The book is by Dr John Lee, written some years ago now, and I have just obtained it via my local library.
I am interested if this information changed your decisions and/or the course of your treatment/s ?
Has anyone decided to seek out 'alternative' treatments rather than the mainstream medical treatments we are all encouraged to go through ?
As is the case with all medical scenarios most patients allow the sytem to take over without any real question. We seem to be quoted a wealth of statistics which are based on research - most of which is funded by chemical companies anyway.
Any information would be appreciated as I am about to start reading the book.
Thanks a lot
Summer :-)
How are you going Summer? I haven't read this book,but I just want to say that the reason we listen to our doctors is because their information IS based on statistics.I feel that with something that can be life threatening like Cancer,we need to be guided by specialists with facts.I believe that there is definitely a place for alternative medicine,but alongside mainstream medical treatment,not instead of.For instance,vitamin supplements,meditation etc.Hope you are doing well.Cheers xoxRobyn0
I am doing OK - the usual ups and downs like we all have.
I look at the site now and then and see that you are still helping lots of ladies as they join the network. I am waiting for you to rotate your photo as I get a sore neck when talking to you.
Two friends who had BC (plus one with bowel cancer) who went through the mainstream treatments passed away a few years later after harrowing experiences. I am wondering if it is worth it.
I know we are all different, our breast cancers are different and all treatments are different but when I heard of this book I thought it could be interesting. I have not read it yet but am hoping someone else has and will comment on their experience with it.
A neighbour went to the USA in the mid 80s to work on breast cancer specifically ... ? Drug companies seem to fund much of the research. The statistics can be read in all sorts of ways and we get so confused. Am I sounding a bit cynical ?
My surgeon is not supportive of me going to a masseur for work on the cording and swelling - but it is working really well so I am happy with that decision. I was tired of the pain and discomfort, he offered no alternatives and there is no physio within 75 kms.
I would love some of the medicos to accept some of the 'alternative' people and work alongside them, accepting that some things do help.
It will be interesting to hear if others have read the book.
Hope you are well - and have a happy day.
Summer :-)
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I hear you! While I am very happy with my surgeon and oncologist, they tend to just look after their bit.And that's ok cos they are very busy people and can't know everything.I haven't read the book you mentioned but I have been reading and researching the mind/ body connection.Many doctors are now recognising the importance of the mind/ thoughts with regards to well being and recovery.They are now able to measure with MRI how the brain reacts.I recently read a book by a scientist(Bruce Lipton)called 'Biology of Belief' which was very interesting.I believe that peace of mind and a healthy lifestyle is helpful in preventing a cancer recurrence but my oncologist doesn't think stress plays any part.I believe in following medical advice and prescribed treatments but not blindly. I've been on Tamoxifen for 4 years but 6 months ago I stopped because of all the health issues it was causing me.I am now more concerned about liver damage than bc.My oncologist has never thought to send me for blood tests or pelvic ultrasounds but is happy to churn out Tamoxifen scripts.I have to ask my GP and thankfully,she is very thorough.In the interim,I'm taking alternative supplements but I will discuss the A inhibitors with my oncologist. But ultimately,it's our choice and we have to believe that what we are taking/doing is helping us. Tonya xx0
It is all very interesting and, as you say, some doctors simply don't think stress has anything to do with cancer at all.
Yes, belief in one's medicos and how we relate to them is a key factor in deciding treatments etc.
I think of how long Tamoxifen has been around (20-30 years ?) and it still causes other problems - why, oh why haven't the chemical companies come up with something in it to prevent all the side effects ? (Probably the long list of medications BC patients need means more dollars for them, eh ?).
The mind IS a poweful thing. I get peace from "Time" performed by Sir Laurence Olivier which I have on an old single record (!!!). If you cannot find the words, send me your email address via a private message and I will send them to you.
I hope you are having a good day. Keep well. Keep in touch.
Summer :-)
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Hi Summer,
It’s Lisa from the Policy Team. I’m sorry to hear that you’ve been experiencing pain because of cording and swelling.
I just wanted to jump in and say that doctors make the treatment recommendations that they do because the treatments have been shown to be effective in treating breast cancer in large, international clinical trials.
Alternative therapies are therapies that are used instead of conventional medical treatments, and they have not been scientifically tested or proven to be effective in treating breast cancer.
Many women are interested in finding out more about complementary therapies, which are therapies that can be used in addition to conventional medical treatments. These might be things like massage, yoga, Tai chi or reflexology.
We have information on our website about the difference between complementary therapies and alternative therapies that you might be interested in: http://www.bcna.org.au/living-breast-cancer/complementary-alternative-medicines-therapies.
If you’re thinking about trying some of the complementary therapies, it’s a good idea to talk to your doctor or someone in your treatment team.
Warm regards,
Lisa0 -
Thank you for your comments.
Alternative therapies have not been tested in clinical trials BECAUSE THE CHEMICAL COMPANIES ARE NOT GOING TO FUND SUCH RESEARCH !
Having seen friends go through the chemical treatments, have heaps of disgusting side effects then die a few years later makes me wonder why the 'statistics' say these treatments are 'effective'.
Unfortunately our Aussie doctors are bound by the AMA Ethics to use the so-called 'effective' treatments so are quite simply bound not to recommend treatments outside their 'normal' paths.
As I said, the book sounds interesting and I have not yet read it.
My issue with cording and swelling has not been dealt with by my 'mainstream' team and indeed I was scoffed at when I said I am going to a masseur who is helping big time.
I am simply thinking there must be a better way to successfully treat BC.
Summer :-)
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Hi Summer
I discussed alternative treatments with my breast surgeon and gp prior to making the decisions about my treatment. I wanted to know all of my options. My breast surgeon told me that ALL of his patients who had decided to undertake alternative therapies only were now dead. He said that some returned to him in the hope that he could help them but it had been let go too long and there was nothing he could do. With conventional therapies I had more of a chance of survival although there are no guarantees of course but I thought some chance was better than no chance. Having said that, my gp believes strongly in nutrition, acupuncture, herbal remedies etc. as well as mainstream treatments. I am taking selenium drops and he has just started me on a tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar a day (revolting) but I figure it's all worth a try. What ever way you decide to go, which ever treatment path you decide to take, it has to be your decision and your decision alone and we don't seem to get much time to get our heads around it all before we have to make that decision. I personally would not make a decision based on one opinion (or book) only.
Karen0 -
Hi Summer
As a typical Chinese background I still go for western medication at first. At least they did a surgery to get rid of the cancer cell from my body. No doubt there are cases recovery without any medication. However, it's our own choice at the end of the day.
Here in Australia, they have a scale and system to monitor and maintain the best way for people here. I believed it is in every country around the World. However, everyone react and respond is different in terms of same treatment.
It's really hard when gone through with pain and discomfort, bad mood and so and so. I believed everyone here in this site having experienced the same hardest time, we all did. Your experience making you a way to look for alternative. It's normal.
I did having massage and acupuncture after chemo. It really helpful (needle again....) but I need to find a reliable and a reputable acupuncture therapist, and must be accessful. Even others experienced to her were good, it might not work on me. I am now having the tamoxifen which I really hate it. My mum suggested me not to having this tablet but take chinese herbal tea to replace into the treatment plan. The tamoxifen plan for 5 year on me and the pathology report of my cancer cell said, this treatment could help to get rid of 18% of recurrance.
Put it this way, I can, I mean I had a choice of not taking this tablet. 18% is a decent figure. However, I read a lot from China stories saying that people recovered themself without any treatment. They might walk everyday up to maintain, just doing Qi-gong exercise; they might give up the hope of curing but spent all the money for holiday, and turn out life last longer than was told.
I read a lot from here the web sharing from other ladies information prior surgery and chemo. However, I can't follow everyone say good, I picked for those I "feel" will be good for me, and also took the majority when it work for larger portion of ladies.
I wonder if I said something here : dont go through chemo and surgery, but take the chinese herbal tea with this and that combination. I wonder anyone will follow. Well, maybe I was not a specialist
But thank you for let me know this information, John Lee, seems an Asian surname. I'll also take a read of what's his finding. No matter what he's a Doctor.
I have 2 more herceptin to go with IV, I really hate needle. Since I had bad time with 1 of the vain near a side of my wrist. I definitely not letting the nurse touch it anymore. This was because my bad experience from it.
Take care
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Hi Summer
As a typical Chinese background I still go for western medication at first. At least they did a surgery to get rid of the cancer cell from my body. No doubt there are cases recovery without any medication. However, it's our own choice at the end of the day.
Here in Australia, they have a scale and system to monitor and maintain the best way for people here. I believed it is in every country around the World. However, everyone react and respond is different in terms of same treatment.
It's really hard when gone through with pain and discomfort, bad mood and so and so. I believed everyone here in this site having experienced the same hardest time, we all did. Your experience making you a way to look for alternative. It's normal.
I did having massage and acupuncture after chemo. It really helpful (needle again....) but I need to find a reliable and a reputable acupuncture therapist, and must be accessful. Even others experienced to her were good, it might not work on me. I am now having the tamoxifen which I really hate it. My mum suggested me not to having this tablet but take chinese herbal tea to replace into the treatment plan. The tamoxifen plan for 5 year on me and the pathology report of my cancer cell said, this treatment could help to get rid of 18% of recurrance.
Put it this way, I can, I mean I had a choice of not taking this tablet. 18% is a decent figure. However, I read a lot from China stories saying that people recovered themself without any treatment. They might walk everyday up to maintain, just doing Qi-gong exercise; they might give up the hope of curing but spent all the money for holiday, and turn out life last longer than was told.
I read a lot from here the web sharing from other ladies information prior surgery and chemo. However, I can't follow everyone say good, I picked for those I "feel" will be good for me, and also took the majority when it work for larger portion of ladies.
I wonder if I said something here : dont go through chemo and surgery, but take the chinese herbal tea with this and that combination. I wonder anyone will follow. Well, maybe I was not a specialist
But thank you for let me know this information, John Lee, seems an Asian surname. I'll also take a read of what's his finding. No matter what he's a Doctor.
I have 2 more herceptin to go with IV, I really hate needle. Since I had bad time with 1 of the vain near a side of my wrist. I definitely not letting the nurse touch it anymore. This was because my bad experience from it.
Take care
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Hi Summer
As a typical Chinese background I still go for western medication at first. At least they did a surgery to get rid of the cancer cell from my body. No doubt there are cases recovery without any medication. However, it's our own choice at the end of the day.
Here in Australia, they have a scale and system to monitor and maintain the best way for people here. I believed it is in every country around the World. However, everyone react and respond is different in terms of same treatment.
It's really hard when gone through with pain and discomfort, bad mood and so and so. I believed everyone here in this site having experienced the same hardest time, we all did. Your experience making you a way to look for alternative. It's normal.
I did having massage and acupuncture after chemo. It really helpful (needle again....) but I need to find a reliable and a reputable acupuncture therapist, and must be accessful. Even others experienced to her were good, it might not work on me. I am now having the tamoxifen which I really hate it. My mum suggested me not to having this tablet but take chinese herbal tea to replace into the treatment plan. The tamoxifen plan for 5 year on me and the pathology report of my cancer cell said, this treatment could help to get rid of 18% of recurrance.
Put it this way, I can, I mean I had a choice of not taking this tablet. 18% is a decent figure. However, I read a lot from China stories saying that people recovered themself without any treatment. They might walk everyday up to maintain, just doing Qi-gong exercise; they might give up the hope of curing but spent all the money for holiday, and turn out life last longer than was told.
I read a lot from here the web sharing from other ladies information prior surgery and chemo. However, I can't follow everyone say good, I picked for those I "feel" will be good for me, and also took the majority when it work for larger portion of ladies.
I wonder if I said something here : dont go through chemo and surgery, but take the chinese herbal tea with this and that combination. I wonder anyone will follow. Well, maybe I was not a specialist
But thank you for let me know this information, John Lee, seems an Asian surname. I'll also take a read of what's his finding. No matter what he's a Doctor.
I have 2 more herceptin to go with IV, I really hate needle. Since I had bad time with 1 of the vain near a side of my wrist. I definitely not letting the nurse touch it anymore. This was because my bad experience from it.
Take care
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Hi all
I do not want to know your personal ideas/stories, the good or bad for you or how wonderful you think mainstream methods are. After all, our specialists are generally trained in the mainstream ideas so they are not going to approve of anything else. As I said, my friends who suffered through mainstream are dead anyway.
Yes, it is our decision as to what we do but I am hoping to get more information to enable me to make an informed decision, not be swayed by medicos of one sort or other.
Summer :-(
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Hi Summer, I read that book a couple of years ago and from what I remember it wasn't about acupuncture or meditation or anything like that. It was mainly about hormone imbalances particularly having too much estrogen and not enough progesterone, an imbalance which he said lead to BC, From what I can remember the book advocated the use of progesterone cream to redress the imbalance that is supposed to be common in many middle aged women. It also gave the usual healthy diet and avoid chemicals type advice.
No it didn't change the course of my treatment. As my cancer was progesterone positve as well as estrogen positive I was a bit dubious about adding more progesterone to my body. There could be something in what he is saying but I didn't feel it was something I wanted to experiment with.
I do think you're probably correct though in saying big pharmaceutical companies have a vested interest in not doing research on alternative treatments or as I prefer to think of them, complimentary treatments. And I agree that mainstream medicos have a very blinkered view of treatment. Based on a lot of reading (books and online) since my diagnosis I am convinced there are plenty of nutritional adjustments we can make to lessen our chance of a recurrance. However, my oncologist pretty much shuts down any efforts I have made to discuss these issues with her. But as Tonya said they can't know everything.
I do think however that once cancer has kicked off in our bodies the mainstream treatments are our best bet for recovery. Cancer is pernicious and insidious disease. As awful as it is, give me the chemo/surgery/radiation any day to get rid of the cancer.
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Hi Jandy
Thank you for your comments re the book, very helpful. I thought that would be the focus of the book but have not yet read it.
I agree that it would be good for anyone who has 'issues' re hormones but has not yet been diagnosed with cancer. I guess he goes into the use of any chemicals like HRT and The Pill. Most of us have used one or both at some stage without too much question.
Anyway, I will let you know when I have read it.
Thanks again
Summer :-)