Tassie women can help themselves and others

University of Tasmania and Menzies Institute for Medical Research are asking for volunteers for "FINDING WAYS TO REDUCE HEALTH BURDEN IN CANCER SURVIVORS"
They are conducting a study on risk of patients treated with chemotherapy developing heart failure later in life.
If you:
a) have been diagnosed in the past with breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia or sarcoma since 1999
b) were aged 18 years or older when diagnosed with your cancer
and c) received chemotherapy for your cancer
then you may qualify for an important study that could help cancer survivors in Tasmania. All that is required is the time required to complete a questionnaire, which may be done by phone.
This research has been approved by the Tasmanian Health and Medical Human Research Ethics Committee.
If you are interested and would like further information please call Hannah on (03) 6226 4268 and leave your details or email: mark.nolan@utas.edu.au