The Kindness of Strangers
Today I received a get well soon card in the post. It was from someone I'd never met, and contained a $100 gift voucher to a lingerie shop that specialises in fitting post-surgery women such as myself. I was so touched! It was an incredibly thoughtful and sensitive gift, as well as being very generous. She did identify…
Calling all cold frogs
Not sure if this is allowable @Giovanna_BCNA so please delete if not. Is darned cold in the Adelaide Hills atm.Last year I bought 200 gm Australian merino wool thermals online from Base Layers in Hawthorn Melbourne and love them.They don’t feel like I’m wearing a suit of armour and they wash well.In fact they look like a…
enjoying bird watching
The town water tower is at the top of the hill near my house (Western NSW) . Really enjoyed my 15 minute walk to the top of the hill and back this morning as sun was rising. Saw Apostle Birds, Blue Wrens, Crested Pigeons, Ring Neck Parrots, Red Rumped Parrots and Noisy Miners. What sorts of birds do you see at your place?
When laughter is the best medicine
Today I reconnected with an old friend after she posted on Facebook about her breast cancer survival. While we were chatting she said: ‘I’d be happy to give you a couple of pointers’ To which I replied: ’That would be awesome ‘cos they cut mine off!’ She eventually laughed hahaha So what are the ways that some of you have…
Conference Group
Hi @Marianne_BCNA and @Giovanna_BCNA Is the Plan B conference group operating or not? I'm going and have tried to join but it just mucks me around. I'm quite sure there are more than six people going, perhaps you have a technical issue? Mxx
Knitting (for Ally Jay or anyone else)
Hi @allyjay I saw this come up on my facebook feed from Australian Working Dogs Rescue and wondered whether you might be feeling like something different - knitting coats for rescue dogs. I can't remember if you're a dog person, or not. https://www.facebook.com/KnittingForAustralianDogRescueGroups/?fref=mentions
hi all. I’m due for my mammogram. I was diagnosed three years ago and am very fortunate to be cancer free. I’m trying to find somewhere on the Mornington peninsula that offers free mammograms after you have had breast cancer. I’ve rang three or four places today and they either don’t do them or are waiting for staff to be…
Strange arm, one year on.
I don’t know if this is something to be concerned about, but I’ll put it out there. I have had a successful lumpectomy a year ago, a month of radiation, and good health since. Last week my upper arm on the affected side began to feel tender to touch. It was almost a burning sensation when I brushed my hand across the skin.…
Would a live chat option work?
I'm wondering if a live chat side bar might be a useful thing. I know it raises some issues for the moderators, but watching the development of some of the threads, I wonder if that might be a way to meet the needs of those who just want to have a natter that doesn't really contribute to targeted conversations. I know that…
Makes me see red
I read, today, an intersting article on the ABC website about some of the issues faced by rural and regional people who have breast cancer or are at high risk of developing it. I'm not as remote as the woman who was featured, but even here there are struggles. One of the biggest issues is affordable specialist care. There…
Work problems
Has anyone experienced discrimination at work? Sometimes it’s subtle and sometimes it’s more obvious. It’s very stressful.
Got the shits with having no tits!
Hi hi there ladies so you may or may not know my story click on my name if you’d like to but those of you that do will know I had my left boob off June 2016 then took the other one off nov 2016 as a preventative as my gut told me to. So here’s my bitch for the day. I was at the local market on Sunday and saw this gorgeous…
What's the dumbest thing you've done during treatment.?
I have a rather hilarious list of Chemo brain and Tamoxifog moments. My family is now used to the "not as sharp as she used to be" version of me and ,thankfully, I am starting just to laugh at it all. This afternoons contribution to the list ...So I have been running around trying to find my car keys. Inside, outside, in…
For a laugh
I've been trying to copy this but can only manage the fb link. Sorry if you can't get it to work but it's a bit of a laugh if you can. https://www.facebook.com/tokyootakumode/videos/1985875498106662/?t=0
Hormone receptive breast cancer
Hi there I'm having surgery on the 18th May on right breast to remove lumps. How much time off work so people usually have? I'm having a breast reduction at the same time. Regards Tracey