The Kindness of Strangers

kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
edited June 2018 in Day to day
Today I received a get well soon card in the post. It was from someone I'd never met, and contained a $100 gift voucher to a lingerie shop that specialises in fitting post-surgery women such as myself. I was so touched! It was an incredibly thoughtful and sensitive gift, as well as being very generous.

She did identify that she worked at the same organisation as my husband. I would have been completely flummoxed otherwise! I rang my him to find out more. Turns out she's on maternity leave! Damn impressive to find the mental space and time to organise a gift like this for anyone, let alone someone you've never met, when you're juggling a newborn and a toddler. I asked if she'd been touched by breast cancer in some way but he didn't know.

Today's the last day I have to wear the compression top and binder. I sloped round the cheap shops today and picked up a basic grey non-underwire bra as something to wear next. How lovely to think I can get properly fitted and buy something pretty!

I would love to hear if anyone else been surprised by the kindness of strangers. K xox


  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    What a beautiful thoughtful gift. 
  • RachelG
    RachelG Member Posts: 50
    @kmakm wow that is so lovely, I hope you find something really nice.  last year when my sister from NZ came to visit me (only 2 months after diagnosis) a girl from her work sent over a beautiful book, hand & face cream for me. I was blown away by such kindness as had not meet this lovely lady and sent a thank you card back with my sister. 
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    Kinda reminds me of this.

    My eye surgery results came in this morning and were not successful so am up for more surgery .Later in the day my eye specialist rang to see how I was and to reassure me it would be alright it but  just take more time than expected , my gynaecologist is similar- there are good people in this world even in the medical profession. A phone call can mean a lot or your hand held as you go into surgery.

    Its little things when others recognise your humanity that matter so much.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806

    My eye surgery results came in this morning and were not successful so am up for more surgery .

    Oh goodness hope that is only a minor setback 
    Take care
  • Romla
    Romla Member Posts: 2,092
    I’m ok and will be ok -trust my specialist - just taking a lot longer than expected - no pain - just get a bit frustrated with things I can’t do eg bend , exercise , drive , lift etc 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    What a nuisance @Romla. So frustrating. Lovely to hear you trust your specialist. It's a good feeling. K xox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Zoffiel That is the BEST story. What an angel! K xox
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Thanks @RachelG. If I do I'll post a pic! K  :)
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    That's wonderful, Kate - There ARE good people out there, helping other good people.  ;)  Are we gonna see a photo???

    Yep - when hubby was in having his 8hr stomach removal surgery from cancer - I was a mess in the waiting room, not knowing if he would even survive the surgery.  I was waiting for him knowing he would be brought down to ICU & a lady who's Dad was in ICU with a stroke took me under her wing & took me for a walk in the hospital grounds, calmed me down & bought me a coffee and I will forever remember her thoughtfulness, when she was already in her own hour of need.

    @Zoffiel    How wonderful was that ..... I know how tricky it is in Sydney, trying to find 24hr parking that isn't charged by the hour!  :(   

    @Romla  - bummer about the need for another operation - but how lovely of your specialist to contact you to allay you fears.  :)  There ARE good people out there. xx
  • Eastmum
    Eastmum Member Posts: 495
    What a wonderful surprise Kate! 

    and @Zoffiel - that's an awesome story - there really are good people in the world.

    @Romla I wish you all the best for your continued eye surgery and I agree with you about the phone calls - my breast surgeon - who I had never met before all of this - called me constantly at every stage of my diagnosis process to give me results as soon as possible and organise appointments for biopisies etc for me. He made me feel like I was the most important patient in the world to him and that made me feel confident and in control of what was happening to me. 

    The most kindness that I've received from strangers on this breast cancer path has been via these forums!

    One of the first to reach out and share so generously of her experiences was @cecily - who instantly recognised my need to hear from someone who had been through the same hospital system as me. It was invaluable for me. She even visited me in hospital when I had my mastectomy and continues to check up on my progress - so amazing! 

    I've also been the recipient of the kindness of people in my community who are not really strangers but who I wouldn't normally consider to be in my close circle of friends - people I recognise enough to say 'hi' to, if I see them out and about - but wouldn't normally organise social arrangements with etc...

    I had fruit baskets delivered to my house when I came out of hospital; home-made soup and fresh bread left on my door step; gifts left on my desk at work - lovely scarves, books, moo goo products; a voucher to my favourite clothing store; Peter Alexander pyjamas; loads of flowers - and countless offers from people to cook for my family (all of which I've said no to for the time being). 

    It's all very heart warming.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Woohoo!  Looking' good, Kate!   You'll love putting those one now!  ;)  xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Thanks @arpie :)