What's been happening.
Well not too much. Hubby and I had a recent 3 day bike trip alone which of course is challenging to take a photo of both of you so sorry nobe of us on the bike. Work has been very busy. Lots of staff shortages (5) meaning of course less people to do the same work. Building work happening around us resulting in hours and…
Interesting article about menopause & the workplace
Calling parents
What can / could/ do our kids do to help as we go through breast cancer treatment ? I think they may need guidance about what they could do to help and it may overcome a sense of powerlessness some of them may feel.
Doing really well but it's never far from the surface
LIfe is good at the moment. It has been 2 and a half years since my diagnosis. Surgery, chemo, radiation and Herceptin are a just a memory. I am over my latest bout of fatigue thanks to taking Vit B and magnesium. Hot flushes at their peak again, but I now just think of them as BAU - business as usual. Work is great. I am…
Financial stress
Hi all....just needed to vent more than anything. I have secured a full time job 3 months ago after basically 12 months off due to BC(worked casually through chemo and radiation). My marriage broke up during this time and I am starting again with nothing after my ex husband stuffed up royally and basically lost everything…
Mastectomy tattoo
Has anyone had a tattoo to cover their non reconstructed scar and "flat chest"? Any info would be appreciated. Cheers Kim
Post surgery, post chemo, still scared
Hi, I'm 28 and I've just finished the having chemo and a bi-lateral mastectomy for breast cancer. The doctors told me that the chemo wasn't 100% effective, but that the surgery got all of my cancer, so I'm technically cancer-free. I feel like I should feel relieved, but I feel the same anxiety and fear that I felt when I…
Just wanted to hello
Hi lovely ladies.. I just felt I wanted to say hi to everyone and send love... Its been almost a month since my lumpectomy and things have settled down for now. It seems surreal that over a month ago my life turned upside down and at the moment all is calm.. Everything happens so quickly in the beginning, and then the wait…
Cheap bandanas and head wraps.
Hi there lovelies. Was on the enurse website and they have heaps of cheap bandanas and head wraps on sale in case anyone Is interested. Www.enurse.com.au. Margie xx
I was brave today!
I thought you lovely ladies might understand and appreciate this. Today I bravely (not really) ventured out for the first time since my hair started growing back without wearing my turban. I didn’t think I had a particularly attractive head when I had hair so I was just never game enough to leave the house without covering…
First meet with the Medical Oncologist
Hi everyone so I met with the oncologist yesterday and as a few of you lovely ladies asked me to let you know how I went... The medical oncologist was really nice... He has put me on Femara to start in 2 weeks, and Venlafaxine, hopefully to make the menopause symptoms bearable also Vitamin D.. Blood test today, and Bone…
I have concerns about the way the media represents cancer. Online articles often refer to cancer sufferers. Recently I read an article about a person going through cancer treatment who uses expensive alternative medicines and depicted stage 4 cancer as ‘a death sentence’. I wonder how people feel about the media’s…
Where to sell wigs that were never used
Does anyone know the best place to sell wigs. I bought two lovely blonde/brown long length wigs when I was first diagnosed but have never used them. I thought maybe the forum may have a buy and sell section but if it does I can't find it.
Article regarding out of pocket costs
Hi to all, Just advising that there is an article released yesterday on rural health.org.au website. There is information about our local fellowship group, Snowy Flamingos Cancer Support Group, along with the results of a small survey that I conducted within our group regarding out of pocket costs for rural people affected…
I just wanted to share
Good Morning lovely ladies.. I hope you don't mind but I remembered a poem my Dad (passed) wrote many many years ago, he used to write a lot of little poems about life... well this one I found again after my recent diagnosis. and thought you all might like to read and have a little giggle.. Just on me I go up to Wollongong…