Webinar - 'How do I reclaim my confidence after treatment' 18 October 2018 7 pm - 8 pm
Webinar Invitation Body Image - "How do I reclaim my confidence after treatment?" Date: Thursday, October 18, 2018 Time: 7 pm to 8 pm AEDT Duration: 60 Minutes Where: Online - join via your computer, tablet or smart phone Presenters: Dr. Haryana Dhillon, A/Prof Susan Carroll and a Cancer Survivor CLICK HERE TO REGISTER If…
Men’s Breast Cancer
Guys Look for us on FACEBOOK The Men’s Breast Cancer Forum. we are there to support you. PeterB Ladies, help us find these guys that are out there thinking they are alone. PeterB
Photo needed for updated My Journey Kit
Hello everyone, As most of you would know we are in the process of updating the My Journey Kit into digital format. We are also updating some of the current images that will be included in the new update. I have been asked to see if anyone in our online network would be happy to provide a photo of their post mastectomy…
Lymphoedema Today Friday Saturday 27 October 2018 South Australia
The Lymphoedema Support Group of South Australia (LSGSA) Warmly invite you to join us for our 2018 lymphoedema information session Lymphoedema Today Including the LSGSA 2018 AGM Guest Speaker Dr. Vani Prasad — Plastic Surgeon/Lymphoedema Consultant PLUS a fun Yoga Session by Dawn Marsh - Dru Yoga Teacher ‘Always You Yoga…
Friday update 21 September 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to our Friday update.Personal Identifiable Information I have noticed lately that members are sharing personally identifiable information. That is, information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a person. This includes information such as first…
Reclaim Your Curves - Central Coast Support Lunch 11 November 2018
Our final lunch for 2018 is based around the topic of "Well-being after breast cancer surgery" and we have some fabulous guest speakers including: Kate from Lymphatic Solutions - she is passionate about recovery after breast cancer Merryn from Soul Safaris - focusing on mindfulness and meditation to help emotional recovery…
Brisbane Breast Reconstruction Support Lunch Sunday 16 Sept
Hi ladies - our next lunch is Sunday 16th September, 12:30 at Buzz Bistro Newstead. We buy our own food & drink and discuss/share all about reconstruction. If you are just starting to research this is a great place to speak with other women & get your questions answered. If you’ve finished your recon and would like to help…
ABC Global Alliance Executive Committee Webinar
Hello everyone, Following a meeting of the Advanced Breast Cancer (ABC) Alliance Executive Committee, we have been asked to distribute this webinar link for some consumer feedback. I have only had one reply so far and was hoping that some other members of our online community would be able to review this webinar and…
Breast Cancer Wellness Afternoon Tea 11 September 2018 Adelaide
Breast CancerWellness afternoon teaTUESDAY, September 11, 20182 - 4 pm South Australian Health & Medical Research Institute (SAHMRI )Ground floor auditorium (next to RAH) Topic: Hormone treatment We welcome breast cancer patients to SAHMRI for afternoon tea. Talk to a bra fitter. There will also be representatives from…
Friday update
Hello everyone and welcome to our Friday update. Apologies for not posting last Friday. Marianne and I attended a 2 day SWARM (Australia’s community management) conference in Footscray Melbourne. It was interesting deciding which sessions to attend and after deciding that that we did not know anything about ‘chat bots’ or…
Article in Hearld Sun
Hi In the today’s paper dated 11th August there is a story about Kate Murray very good article abound her family and her own battle with Breast Cancer Kate mentioned the BCNA online Network and how it is informative and supportive in our battle with the beast Breast Cancer.
Breast Reconstruction Information Evening - SA Wednesday 17 October 2018
Hi all Details of the October event at Flinders Medical Centre Regards Chris
Article - Memory loss following breast cancer treatment
Hello everyone, See recent article attached below titled 'A study of memory and attention dysfunction following breast cancer treatment' by Gaby Bolton and Anton Isaacs, Monash University School of Rural Health.
YWCA of Perth Encore Program Term 4 2018
YWCA expression of interest into our Term 4 programs for 2018. Perth Metro area: Rockingham Aqua-jetty (Warnbro), 87 Warnbro Sound Ave, Warnbro Friday 12th October -Friday 30th November 1-3pm Kalamunda Physiotherapy Centre, 45 Central Road Kalamunda Wed 10th October-Wed 28th November 10-12pm Mount Lawley, Mercy Physio-…
Reclaim Your Curves Breast Reconstruction - Sydney Support Lunch - Sunday 26th August 12 noon to 3pm
Come along and join us for lunch and meet others ladies who may be experiencing a similar situation to you. Ask those pressing questions, get tips or pass on your knowledge. Please let us know if you can make it. All welcome! Dragonfly Cafe, Eden Gardens, Macquarie Park