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News and events

Friday update 21 September 2018

Giovanna_BCNA's avatar
7 years ago

Hello everyone and welcome to our Friday update.

Personal Identifiable Information

I have noticed lately that members are sharing personally identifiable information. That is, information that can be used on its own or with other information to identify, contact, or locate a person. This includes information such as first and last name, suburb you live in, phone numbers and photos.  

Keep in mind that whilst the private groups are private, the general network areas are public and can be viewed by anyone and can also show up in Google searches. As moderators, we try very hard to protect your personally identifiable information for your safety and security.  To ensure your privacy we will edit out full names, phone numbers and other information that may identify you.  When signing off on posts, we encourage you to use your username and not your real name.  If you have any concerns don’t hesitate to contact me @Giovanna_BCNA.


Under Categories, on the right hand side of the forum screen, you will notice a tab titled Online Community Info.  If you click on this tab you will find our updated Community Guidelines and a Navigating the online community guide.  It would be great if you could review the updated guides and be familiar with them.  See link below

Online Community Info

Community Highlights

1.       On Our Walks  Great thread that highlights some beautiful pictures of daily walks and outings.

2.       Positive thought for the day xx

3.       Friday Funnies


Community news


So brave is Australia’s Young Women’s Breast Cancer charity, dedicated to empowering, educating and improving breast cancer outcomes for young women through their activities and funding research. The So Brave Breast Cancer Fundraiser Calendar is their major fundraiser and is a colourful representation of the changes that each one of the women have gone through during their breast cancer experience.  It includes some key tips and information for women including each individual woman’s story.

Have a look at this great website and resource.  The 2019 calendar is now available for sale.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Volunteer with BCNA.

Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) is seeking volunteers to assist with our final 3 events for 2018. If you would like to register to volunteer  to help at  any / all of the events below please email the BCNA team at or call 1800 500 258.

Pink Lady Night Racing at Moonee Valley

Friday 5th October

Moonee Valley Racing Club is partnering with BCNA for the first time in 2018 to hold a pink lady racing night which will grow over the years. Our long term vision is to grow this event to eventually include a breast cancer survivor’s walk down the straight prior to any racing. Exciting times ahead! For our first year though we’re starting small by pinking up the racing track and surrounding gardens, selling merchandise and selling raffle tickets.

Location: Moonee Valley Racing Club

Shift Time: 4pm – 8pm


LT2.0 Fundraising Dinner

Wednesday 28th November

This is a cocktail event to celebrate “Leanne Taylor 2.0”. Leanne is a single mum of 2 kids who was diagnosed in March 2018.

She wanted to host a party to thank everyone that is continuously supporting her and her family through her journey, while raising money for breast cancer. Her company are very engaged to help her and agreed to pay for the venue and The Big Group kindly put her in touch with us as her breast cancer charity of choice. It is expected to be a VERY fun night! As a team we’ll be pinking up the space, selling raffle tickets, silent auction items and assisting with the live auction.

Location: Luminaire, South Melbourne

Shift Time: 5pm – 9pm


Carman’s Women’s Fun Run

Sunday 2nd December

Carman’s Women’s Fun Run is proudly supporting Breast Cancer Network Australia (BCNA) for the 3rd year. Whether you walk, run or just have fun, it’s all about getting together with friends and family and having a great day full laughter and good times. 

The BCNA volunteer team will be pinking up Catani Gardens, selling merchandise and raffle tickets

Location: Catani Gardens, St Kilda

Shift Time: 7am – 12pm

Lymphoedema Support Group of SA (LSGSA)      

The LSGSA has received advice that the Member for Mt Gambier, the Hon. Troy Bell raised a Motion in the House of Assembly on Wednesday 19 September 2018.   

The issue raised was the lack of Garment subsidies and public services for Lymphoedema patients to the Members of the lower house.

The event has passed, but you can still show your support by contacting your local MP requesting they support Mr Bell's Motion OR you can like and comment on our post about this on our Facebook page.

Let's show that SA Lymphoedema patients matter too!

Warm Regards,           

Monique Bareham President                                                                                                                  


Upcoming BCNA forums 

Hoping you have a great weekend everyone, go the TIGERS!!!

Regards Giovanna


Published 7 years ago
Version 1.0
  • Hey Giovanna, the link is still not working, and I also get the same permission problem while trying to click on the community info link in the blue line at the top of the page. 
    Paula x
  • Hello @iserbrown
    Im still really sad about the tigers....
    Thanks for letting me know about the permission problem, looks like quite a few of you are having this problem.
    Will look into it further.
    regards Giovanna
  • @Giovanna_BCNA 

    same as others above

    Permission Problem

    You don't have permission to do that.

  • And if anyone DOES get unwanted/nasty contact from anyone - make sure you let the Mods know!  ;) 
  • I’ve tried a few ways, but keep getting permission problem. @Giovanna_BCNA. Weird, will try pc tomorrow and see if it’s an iPad problem. 
    Paula x
  • Hi Paula,
    Thanks for letting me know, I have checked the link and it works on my end.
    Maybe best to go via the website to check the online community info.
    Cheers Giovanna
  • Thanks for the update @Giovanna_BCNA, always informative. Just letting you know the online community link didn’t work for me. I got the permission problem thing. 
    Paula xx
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