Breast density - we want your input
Hi everyone BCNA is currently reviewing the webpage we developed last year around breast density to ensure we are keeping our members up to date with the latest research finding around breast density. There are two key issues we are concentrating on: · the concern that breast density may make it hard for doctors to detect…
Volunteers needed to help Med and Physio Students with Patient Communication
Hi all, I am currently working at Sydney's Macquarie University Hospital as their new Volunteer Coordinator and thought some of you who live in Sydney may be interested in becoming involved with our Health & Wellbeing Collaboration (HAWC) Program which involves physiotherapy and medical students and community volunteers…
Cancer Council Daffodil Day
I don't know what it's like in the rest of the country but here in Melbourne the sun is shining and it feels like spring. A perfect day for a daffodil. Plus we've got a new Prime Minister... Have a good weekend!
Reach to Recovery International now accepting submissions for the December 2018 issue of Bloom!
Now accepting submissions for the December 2018 issue of Bloom! View this email in your browser Now accepting submissions for the December 2018 issue of Bloom! Submissions are now open for the next edition of Bloom! The theme for the next edition is “Personal growth after breast cancer” and we want to hear from you. We…
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Breast Density Workshop South Australia 23 August 2018
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Breast Density WORKSHOP Thursday 23rd August 10 am – 4 pm Basil Hetzel Institute, 37A Woodville Rd, Woodville, South Australia Breast density refers to white and bright regions on mammograms. High density masks tumours and is an independent risk factor for breast cancer. Whether or not…
Events for Women with BC
Hi Guys & Gals, I posted this in the Young Women's Discussion Group but I figured it would make sense to post here so that more people can see it, thank you for the approval @Giovanna_BCNA One of the things that really lacked for me when I was first diagnosed was the lack of information and support provided by my breast…
Tigerbeth's In The Paper!
The Knox Leader
Friday update 17th August 2018
Hello everyone and welcome to Fridays update. Wow what an amazing weekend was had last weekend! 2018 Field of Women Such a great experience to stand on the MCG with over 12,000 others to mark the 20th Anniversary of Breast Cancer Network Australia’s work to support, inform, represent and connect all Australians affected by…
Consumers Health Forum of Australia - My Health Record Webinars
To help consumers make an informed and considered decision about My Health Record, Consumers Health Forum of Australia are holding a series of 6 webinars that cover the key information people need to understand the benefits and risks of My Health Record in the context of their own lives. The recording of the first webinar…
Reclaim Your Curves - Perth Breast Reconstruction Support Lunch 1 September 2018
Hi ladies - our next lunch is Saturday 1st September, 12:30 at The Herdy in Wembley. We buy our own food & drink and discuss/share all about reconstruction. If you are just starting to research this is a great place to speak with other women & get your questions answered. If you’ve finished your recon and would like to…
Is there an information day in October for metastatic breast cancer and latest research?
hi folks, just wanting to clarify, is there an information day coming up in October regarding metastatic cancer and latest research etc? I can’t find anything on the website and now thinking I might have dreamt it
To all you wordsmiths out there - time to let your creative juices flow!
I always enjoy the witty banter that goes on between our community members - how amazing would it be to see it up on the Melbourne banner at FOW!
Only 7 days till the 2018 Field of Women!
Hello everyone, Can you believes its only 7 days to go until the 2018 Field of Women! Im getting really excited about attending this amazing event. Its been busy busy busy here at BCNA finalizing arrangements for this huge event. Really looking forward to meeting some of our online members who will be attending on the day.…
Have your say - Survey on BreastScreen Australia’s Position Statement on Breast Density
Hi all, The Australian Department of Health is considering whether BreastScreen Australia’s Position Statement on Breast Density needs to be changed. The Department has commissioned Allen + Clarke, a consulting company, to undertake a short, online survey to get the views of researchers, clinicians and women who use…
Field of Women to be streamed live on Facebook
For those of you unable to attend on Sunday, join Melbourne Football Club legend Russell Robertson on our Facebook page and feel every bit a part of the action from 1:45 to 2:05 for the formation of the Field.